Monday, 20 April 2009

Are blogs fair?

I've looked at hundreds, if not thousands of blogs Some are great, some are horrible, some are interesting & some aren't. We've a few people who've become household names through blogging, such as Guido & Iain Dale. We've also had Salman Pax in Iraq. A couple of comments came up at the weekend regards my blog this weekend. I thought I'd ask the question, are blogs fair.

As I see it, for a blog to have any impact, it has to be either a) Interesting or b) funny. If it's just full of random rantings which are blatently untrue, then people are not stupid, they just won't come back. People don't say "I've found this great blog full of made up rumours". Take for example my special on Captain Useless aka "Matthew Offord". All of the comments are either quotes from his website or facts in the public domain which can found on the council website. I'm sure Matthew doesn't think "great" when he reads it, but he'll get far worse if he ever does well in his chosen career, so he'd better get used to it. I think my blog is fair comment.

So in answer to the question. Are blogs fair? Not always, but if they are clearly not fair, they will have no readers and therefore no influence

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