Sunday, 6 December 2009

My Generation

Driving back from Childs Hill last night, radio tuned to XFM, and the chords of "My Generation" by The Who started blasting out. There are some songs that if you don't immediately turn up the radio and start playing air guitar (Not advised whilst driving), then you probably don't like Rock and Roll.

As I was driving back listening to "my generation" blasting out, something rather sad hit me. My band used to do a cover of this song back in 1979. The third line of the song is "Things they do look awful cold" The Who wrote that about the older generation's attitude to teenagers. I realised that Lynne Hillan and Brian Coleman are "My Generation". The cuts to Sheltered Housing wardens are being inflicted on the generation which suffered the privations of the second world war, many elderly Jewish people in sheltered accomodation tell terrible stories about them and their families under the Nazi regime.  Coleman and Hillan are "My Generation". You know what, My Generation sometimes sicken and disgust me.

1 comment:

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

I love the bass part on that track, so up and at them, so rich. It's a tour de force that song.