Thursday 18 March 2010

A great idea for funding business, charity and arts projects

One recurrent theme in this day and age is the problems small businesses, charity campaigns and arts projects have in attracting funding for projects. One of my music studio customers today showed me a superb and innovative idea to help with this problem. He's trying to raise money to fund the production of a video for has band. The idea is simple and I think that this could become a major way for business to business contact in the near future.

To check out the way it is working for funding Charlie Hondericks music video click on this link -

To find out more about how this could work for your business, charity or arts project

This is a great idea and one which I support to the hilt. It never ceases to amaze me how great ideas which change the world spring up overnight on the net. This site gives people the chance to invest small or large amounts of money and gives people who need funding the chance to find partners. More power to it - Maybe Leader of Barnet Council, Lynne Hillan should start a page to get back all the cash her administration has lost in Iceland, or even Mayor of Barnet Brian Coleman could start one to fund a new limo when he looses the use of the mayoral limo when his term is up in May.

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