Tuesday 15 March 2011

Professor Dexter Whitfield on Outsourcing

Europe's leading expert on Public Sector outsourcing gave a presentation to the Barnet Alliance for Public Services tonight (Tuesday 15/3/2011). It was most illuminating. I've prepared a brief video report of the event, highlighting some of the fundamental flaws which Dexter has identified in the strategy of local and national government.


Mrs Angry said...

and if you want to read a full report from somone who actually sat all the way through - ahem - please come and visit the Broken Barnet blog, admittedly only by a lady blogger and therefore not as good.

Rog T said...

Well Mrs Angry, you know the old adage, one picture is worth a thousand words.

Mrs Angry said...

you lightweight boy bloggers wouldn't understand the ecconomic arguments ...

Rog T said...

My Dear Mrs Angry,

I was covering Professor Whitfields arguments long before your fine blog hit the streets.

I refer you to my blog of 19 November 2008 and the many that have followed. Some of us didn't need the catch up course.

If you enter Dexter Whitfield in the seacrh bar, it will give you all of the entries which refer to his fine work. Essential reading to bring yourself up to speed

Moaneybat said...

I'm mindful of the enormous contribution you both make. a Question, WHY? you are both better than this.

Some of us have known Dexter and his work on PPPs way back since 2000/1 along with the founding members of Defend Council Housing including members of Barnet Unison. Prof Peter Ambrose then of Brighton University has also contributed much in this field.


..and we were present here


baarnett said...

Don't worry Moaneybat, I'm sure they are just joshing.

There was a two-page spread about Finchley (East, Central, West) in the Evening Standard Property today. I really think people should be warned they are entering a disfunctional-council-area if they move to Finchley - whatever its many other attractions (including its blogs, of course).

Moaneybat said...


I agree!

Rog T said...

Don't worry Moaney, it's just banter. You have to slap down these stroppy SMOG's occasionally

baarnett said...

Could be:

SMOG - Smoke Fog
SMOG - Simplified Measure of Gobbledygook
SMOG - Sweet Mother of God
SMOG - Signal, Mirror, Over the Shoulder, Go
SMOG - Spanish Motorcycle Owners Group
SMOG - Secret Masters of Gaming
SMOG - Save Me Oh God

Several relevant possibilities there!