Wednesday 5 June 2013

Stan Davison RIP - A Barnet legend - The full interview for A Tale of Two Barnets

In November 2011, Charles Honderick interviewed Stan Davison whilst putting together the film A Tale of Two Barnets. Due to time constraints, much of the interview was not used, but it is a really interesting interview and Stan talks much common sense. Charles and myself felt it would be a fitting way of marking Stans passing by letting you share this.

When we originally started filming, this interview was planned to be the cornerstone of the film and act as a narration. As it transpired, we were swamped with so much material, that we only used small snippets. Having watched the interview again, we realised that we had a gem and should have made a bit more of the sensible message Stan had.

Wherever you are Stan, thanks for all your efforts for the people of Barnet

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