Thursday 24 July 2014

Why the Barnet Rotary Club should ask Brian Coleman to step down as President

I thought I'd leave it a while before writing this blog. I thought I'd see what happened and whether the Barnet Rotary Club would actually do anything following the furore surrounding Brian Colemans comments to me about my cancer issue. I thought I'd try and explain in a calm way to Barnet Rotary why they should quietly ask Brian to consider his position.

I actually happen to have (until now) had a high opinion of Rotary. My father was a member for many years and would extoll the virtues of the organisation. He felt businessmen with talent and a biyt of spare cash should work for the benefit of the community. He believed that those of us who are better off have a moral duty to help those at the other end of the scale. He was proud of his membership and believed that his fellow rotaraians were an example how things can be achieved when talented people work together for good causes.

Locally in Mill Hill, the rotary claub have for many years used a retired milk float at Xmas to collect money for charity, dressing the float as Thomas the Tank engine to delight small children. For a few years our family allowed them free parking of the float at our site.

So I have hitherto only had good things to say about Rotary. When they appointed Mr Coleman, I was shocked. I heard about it through twitter. Mr Coleman was convicted of assaulting Helen Michael last year. Not only that, but despite pleading guilty, he has gone on to make statements in the press which show no remorse at all for a violent attack on a small woman. This story made national and local news, so it is clear Rotary knew of the conviction. I believe everyone deserves a second chance in life, but only once they have faced up to what they've done and shown some remorse. Coleman has shown none. By appointing him, Rotary are in effect saying that attacking women is OK.

When I posted my disgust on Twitter, Coleman spat back an insult trying to use the cancer in my body against me. This is not behaviour I associate with the Rotary Club or in line with their own standards and ethics.  The role of president is one which sets the tone of the organisation. The President is the figurehead and should provide an inspiration to members. What message does this send. If Coleman had responded to my tweet by saying "I am sorry and I am trying to make amends by working for Charity", then that would have been the end of the matter. Sadly he said

with your constant attacks on the Mayor and me and others it must be the hate in you rather than the cancer which is eating you

Which shows no remorse at all and shows no compassion at all. Colemans twitter profile says 
"Political Consultant and Commentator. Local Government Expert, Some time Politician , Rotarian, Methodist and True Conservative."

His comments cast shame on the Rotary Club. Whilst it pains me to criticise an organisation that does great good, I cannot in all conscience say nothing. By condoning his actions and giving him such a role, Rotary are making themselves a rather toxic organisation. If Coleman really cared about Rotary, he'd have resigned by now. Clearly it is still all about Brian


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

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What's up Rog, can't stand being called out as an obsessive stalker?

Anonymous said...

I Don't Know what previous comments were Roger But I Can imagine !!! I find it Hard to understand the intellect Behind there Reasoning !! Do they Really Believe they can Do & Say what they Like & simply Get Away with it !!! The Local Tories Are Heading For Oblivion !! Like Lemings they are Lining up to jump Over the cliff & it's All there own Arrogance !!!

Rog T said...

Just sick of spineless creeps who make anonymous comments.

Rog T said...

The only point to address is that Barnet Rotary have appointed a criminal who beat up a woman then lied to the police for six months as president. The man is an utter disgrace and no amount of cowardly anon comments can change that. However as it is pretty clear who is leaving them and why, it shows that there is still a job to do exposing this vile man

Anonymous said...

So what 'exposing' were you doing when at the Funeral of Irene Hart you published this tweet, without Brian Coleman having said anything about you or to you:
Rog T @Barneteye · Jul 10
I had the joy of seeing the delightful @BrianColeman251 earlier. Seems like he's under every stone I lift this week.

You are an obsessive stalker. You cannot even contain your poison at a funeral.
Since Brian Coleman dropped out of public life he became none of your business. How many articles have you published since he left office? How many dozens of tweets are you initiated since May? It's a good job Brian hasn't got a bunny, else we'd be worried that you'd boil it.

Keep going Rog, it can't be long before you get yourself a criminal record for Harrassment.

Anonymous said...

Question ! Was there Any condemnation from any of Brian's colleagues ! At Anytime ! We're there Any Apologies from B C or any of the Tory Ruling Group ? No & No ! The accusations of stalking Etc !! What a Load of cobblers !! Why did Brian put it on Face Book , if it was so private !!! In Regards to Having a Go Brian & all His cohorts !! Yes ! I Dared a Mr Tory to Respond after an Out Burst !! Never Came ! Why Because they can't Defend the indiffencable !!!! If you Are so sure of your Actions ! What About a Debate !! We're you Lot can put us right About All the Torie policy's & Enlighten us about what is a acceptable Behavior !!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Here is an Agenda (suggested) Standards in public office ! Should they be Guide Lines or a Legal Requirement ! Accountability ! Should public servants Be financial accountable ( personally) were incorrect procedures or public consultation has not taken place !! A Full & Open public inquiry into child Abuse & any cover up , that may or may not have taken place !! A curb on minority Decision taking !! ( David Cameron ) put this forward Regarding unions ! Should this model Be taken up by central & Local Government ??

Rog T said...

These anon comments, clearly left by Coleman sicken me. Rotary is a public organisation and Coleman tweeted on an open medium that he'd been made president. I didnt Tweet at the funeral as alleged. Coleman made a comment about me which I heard and I beleive he intended me to hear. I expressed my disgust at Coleman on twitter later deliberately avoiding all mention. As ever Coleman used the opportunity to twist it.

I have no wish to have anything to do with vile man, however if he is appointed to positions on organisations there is no reason why his criminal conviction shouldnt be brought up

Anonymous said...

What I Really find Hard to Understand Roger is that anyone who Disagree,s with any Decisions Or any Behavior that ! Lets face it is & should be unexceptable !! Is the Enemy !! If the Leaders of the party's Do not take Action , There is only one conclusion to Be Drawn . That they condone it !! The Bloggers & there Readers seem to Be the only ones who are holding our politicians & officers to Account !! It's shameful that this is the case , But they Brought this on themselves !! However I do not see any change any remorse from the Ruling party !! So it seems they DON'T CARE !!

Anonymous said...

Not left by Coleman you dingbat.
But do keep assailing him, it'l be fun to see you arraigned for stalking him.

Your wife divorced you for unreasonable behaviour, I see you're returning to type.

Rog T said...

My Wife has divorced me for unreasonable behaviour has she? news to me (and her I suspect).

Rog T said...

It is nice to see Brian and his friends are putting there time to good use reading my blog though. They clearly needs a bit of educational assistance

Rog T said...

Mr Tor
Thanks for your comment. It makes it quite clear what Conservative politics in Barnet are all about. You allege that I've been divorced for unreasonable behaviour. Either produce evidence for this slanderous comment or apologise. If you have evidence then publlish it under your real name as you clearly will have no libel writ to fear.

For that we owe you a debt of gratitude.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps this blogger may wish to do another post on Brian Coleman, given the Rotary District of London has not long ago elected him to lead the district in 2022/23... Many of us in Rotary do not want him anywhere near this role ruining the great work of Rotary, especially given his lack of remorse. Shameful.