Monday 6 December 2010

Barnet Council Tories can afford publicly funded political assistants but not Childrens Centres

On our future shape leaks website, we tonight publish in full a press release from the Barnet Council Conservative Political Officer, Richard Robeson. This man is paid for by your taxes to help Barnets Conservative Councillors with their "political needs". He gets a salary twice or even three times more than carers and teaching assistants.

His job is purely political, he's Barnets Tory Spin doctor. When you read of all the cuts he's trying to justify, what sane person can wonder how they can afford a luxury like him?

It really makes me sick.


baarnett said...

Some local government party groups pay for their assistant out of a levy on their councillors (I know of one of 10% in another borough).

How is this fellow financed? (If by a levy, then the self-awarded 54% pay increases for committee chairpersons must have helped!)

His questions in the FAQ are, well, a bit simplistic, aren't they?

More Newsround than Newsnight.

Mrs Angry said...

Is it really possible for any Tory politician to use the phrase 'all in this together' with no sense of irony? In this particular borough,the home of 'Allowancegate', in the week when so many council officers are worried sick because they have just received 90 day redundancy notices, this phrase is grossly insulting.