So if you saw a brochure for a conference where these were the topics of conversation, what would you think?
* Problems caused by Third World Immigration into Western Countries
* Racial differences in intelligence and how to deal with them
* The Islamic threat
If you then read the profile of the speakers (a ragtag mob of various ultra right nutcases and pundits, without a useful achievement between them), would your view of the conference change at all (scroll down to the details below the Asterisks for the speakers and their "achievements").
So you are probably thinking "Why is the Barnet Eye asking us these questions about a conference run by such a bunch of basket cases?" Well the conference is being run in America by an organisation called "Preserving Western Civilisations". Not much surprise there, but what surprised me is that The Daily Telegraph is promoting it. You see the Daily Telegraph has a blog on it's website written by none other than the BNP GLA Member Richard Barnbrook. Now as regulars know, I usually put a link to other references, but I really can't be bothered to give him any more hits, it will only encourage him. Not only that but Mr Barnbrook has posted a link from his Telegraph blog to the website for this numpty conference - if you really want to check all this, the blog title is "Villainy, Plenary & Preserving Western Civilisation".
As to the conference, it seems that the main themes are a) Non whites are thicker than whites and b) Muslims threaten Western Society - as you'll notice from the speakers, there isn't exactly much balance for their debate. It seems that whilst the Far Right is only too happy to moan when they are not allowed to speak, when they get the chance, they are rather keen to stifle debate. Now I don't think that anyone who has seriously studied history would take any of this old cobblers seriously, let's face it Western Civilisation is based on engineering - Islamic Mathematicians invented the modern numbering system making maths possible. I just wonder what value the Daily Telegraph thinks there is in publishing such dross. Mr Barnbrook is paid a decent wage at the taxpayers expense to be a GLA member. Since he's been there he's managed a mere three press releases, the last one in October (Click
HERE to see). It seems whilst Barnbrook berates other parties and members, he is rather lazy when it actually comes to doing his job, doesn't it? I'm not someone who is in favour of censorship, but I'm also not in favour of giving a platform to someone who has nothing sensible to say and merely uses it to promote discredited crackpots setting up conferences spouting insulting and inflammatory ideas. Now if I was an immigrant, Muslim or non white I'd be highly insulted by this Conference. As one of their supposed aims is to promote "Judeo-Christian ideals" - let me remind them of the words of St Paul - (1 Corinthians 10:31) "Never do anything offensive to anyone" (could't be clearer could it) - of course they never quote the inconvenient bits do they? All I can say about the Telegraph is that if this is the quality of contributor they are attracting, no wonder their circulation is sinking faster than the Titanic.
Numpty Conference Speakers

Lawrence Auster is a conservative blogger and essayist. He is the author of The Path to National Suicide: An Essay on Immigration and Multiculturalism. He has also written articles for NewsMax, National Review, FrontPage Magazine, American Renaissance, WorldNetDaily and The Social Contract Press. His daily blog, View from the Right, includes trenchant commentary on current events, politics, society, and culture, and it was influential in defeating the McCain-Kennedy immigration bill in the Senate in 2007.
Peter Brimelow is a financial journalist and author. He has been an editor for many well-known publications, including National Review, The Financial Post, and Forbes. Outside financial circles, he is best-known for his writings on immigration policy and for hosting the website His books include Alien Nation: Common Sense About America’s Immigration Disaster, which deals with the problems caused by both illegal and legal immigrants.
Steven Farron received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in New York. For many years he was a professor of Classics at the University of Witwatersrand, in Johannesburg, where he specialized in the study of Greek and Latin epic poetry. Since 2000, though, he has devoted his time to studying affirmative action programs in various countries. He has published a few monographs on the topic, but is best known for his excellent book, The Affirmative Action Hoax: Diversity, the Importance of Character, and Other Lies, which is perhaps the leading study ever made on that topic.
Julia Gorin is among the most recognized names in conservative comedy and is the author of Clintonisms: The Amusing, Confusing, and Suspect Musings of Billary. She has appeared on various ABC, CBS, and NBC news programs as well as on Hannity and Colmes, Fuse TV, Politically Incorrect, and Fox & Friends. In addition, her widely published opinion articles get her invited onto many talk radio programs. She blogs at Political Mavens and at
Lino A. Graglia is the A. Dalton Cross Professor of Law at the University of Texas. He received his LL.B. from Columbia University Law School in 1954, where he was an editor of the law review. He was an attorney with the U.S. Department of Justice and practiced law in Washington, D.C. and New York City before joining the Texas law faculty in 1966. He has also taught at the Universities of Virginia, Utah, and Puget Sound. Professor Graglia teaches courses in constitutional law and antitrust. He is the author of Disaster by Decree: the Supreme Court Decisions of Race and the Schools (1976), a critical analysis of the school busing decisions. He has written widely in both scholarly and popular journals on current issues of constitutional law and the role of the Supreme Court in the American system of government, and is a frequent speaker at scholarly symposia and on radio and television.
Henry C. Harpending is an anthropologist and population geneticist at the University of Utah, where he is a Distinguished Professor. Dr. Harpending has broken new ground in anthropology and human biology interpreting genetic and morphometric variation within and between human populations with mathematically based models, examining hypotheses concerning population growth, divergence, and gene flow. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences.
Roger D. McGrath has been a history professor at UCLA for many years, and was once selected as the “Outstanding Professor” there by the Panhellenic Council. He is the author of three books and over 100 articles, as well as contributing to the anthology “Immigration and the American Future.” He appears regularly on various documentary series for the History Channel.
Pat Richardson is a member of the British National Party. In 2004, running as a representative of that party, she was elected to the District Council for Epping Forest. (Her husband Tom was also elected to that council at the same time.) Since Pat was the first Jewish member of the BNP to be elected to public office, she has been much discussed in the British media. Mrs. Richardson was re-elected to her Council post in 2008.
John Philippe Rushton is a psychology professor at the University of Western Ontario, in Canada. He earned a D.Sc. in psychology from the University of London in 1992. Since then he has published six books and more than 200 articles. He is most widely known for his work on intelligence and racial differences, particularly for his book Race, Evolution, and Behavior. Professor Rushton is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and of the American, British, and Canadian Psychological Associations.
Srdja Trifković is the author of the best-seller, The Sword of the Prophet, which discusses the history of Islam and the threat that Islam poses to non-Islamic countries. He is also Director of the Center for International Affairs at The Rockford Institute and, since 1998, the foreign affairs editor for the paleoconservative magazine Chronicles. Trifković has a Ph.D. in history from the University of Southhampton, is an expert on Balkan politics, and was a consultant to President Vojislav Kostunica of Yugoslavia.
Brenda Walker is best known as a tireless anti-immigration activist in California. She has also spoken out on the menace that Muslim extremists pose our country. Brenda runs two websites: and, and has also written many articles for