Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Calling all Barnet and Camden Conservatives - Please give generously to the re-elect Brian Coleman campaign

Word reaches the Barnet Eye that an attempt to hold a fundraising dinner for Brian Coleman's GLA re-election fund has failed and the dinner has been cancelled due to lack of interest. Whilst many local Labour and Lib Dem members sit sniggering, I think this is a total disaster. I would like to see as many leaflets as possible delivered throughout Barnet promoting the fact that Brian Coleman is the Conservative candidate for the GLA. The less money they raise, the less leaflets that they can distribute. I urge all loyal Tories who wish to be associated with Brian Coleman and everything he stands for to dig as deep into their pockets as they can. Let everyone see what a shining beacon of Conservative values he is. As one of Boris's closest allies it would be great to have as many leaflets as possible with Boris and Brian out there. These two are great pals and The Barnet Eye wants to print as many lovely pictures of the pair of them together as possible, so send us your snaps !

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