1. Labour Candidate Devra Kay has jumped on the Matthew Offord bandwagon of human rights for animals, in her case mythical ones !
Dr Devra Kay
Happy St George's Day. Happy birthday William Shakespeare and unhappy death day to Shakespeare, Cervantes and maybe the dragon.
2. Trouble making Cafe owner Helen Michael has something to say about the the shape of our bums ! Not quite sure whether she's boasting or feeling worried? (needless to say I'll get a slap for that comment!)
BBC News: Why big buttocks can be bad for your health http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-27026521who … needs silicone when you have the real thing?
3. Mrs Angry lives up to her name !
4. David Constable makes a rather telling observation
"new tube ticket machine" pictured in Evening Standard looks awfully like a ticket office... pic.twitter.com/bYFliCo4D6
4. Paul Evans comes up with a cracking idea !
Still laughing at the
suggestion that people waiting to greet the rescued Chilean miners
should do so dressed in Planet of the Apes costumes
5. David Constable demonstrates his incredible powers of perception !
"new tube ticket machine" pictured in Evening Standard looks awfully like a ticket office... pic.twitter.com/bYFliCo4D6
5. Press Journalist Dan O'Brien has a Eureka! moment
Lesson learned. Always read @BarnetCouncil press releases carefully! Going through one on gritting trucks to see if lone gunman identified.
6. Has East Barnet Tory given up on his own seat? Seems like he prefers going over to Twickenham?
Great morning in Twickenham leafleting - great to see Tony Arbour AM as well as @glamgirlgourmet and @JonHollis9
7. Good to see that the voters are focussing on the stuff that really matters in this council election !

8. Everyone in Barnet should read this
Responses to public questions for Business Management OSC this evening have been published http://bit.ly/1nGl2OB
9. Barnet Council is having a nappy recycling week next week.
10. And finally..... A cracker from Mill Hill Music Complex
As it's Easter weekend, here's a special Saturday joke on our facebook site https://www.facebook.com/millhillmusiccomplexlondon/posts/689869017740382?stream_ref=10 …
Well that's it for this week. Hope ou found something useful, funny or interesting in there somewhere. Each week we publish the tweets that we've seen this week that caught our eye. Let us know if you've seen any that you think are worthy of the list. The only rule is that the tweets should be relevant to Barnet or tweeted by someone with links to Barnet.
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