Monday 3 October 2016

The farce that is Britains railways

Perhaps the funniest story for weeks is the disaster that was Southern Rails attempt to turn commuters against the RMT Union this morning, with a ham fisted Twitter campaign. 

On Thameslink this morning we also had chaos. I tweeted to them asking why

@TLRailUK 07:48 & 07:57 from Mill Hill cancelled this morning causing chaos. What was the excuse this time?

Their response?

@Barneteye These services were cancelled due to a shortage of train drivers. Apologies for the disruption. ^R

What sort of excuse is that? You've had the same timetable for years. How can they not have enough drivers? Pathetic

It is clear that these franchises are broken and these operators should be sacked.

Here is the Southern story for your 'enjoyment'

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