Friday 22 March 2019

The Friday Joke - 22/03/2019 - Theresa May at The Pearly Gates

Theresa May dies and makes her way up to the pearly gates. St Peter gives her a curt once over and says, with a world weary demeanour "Ok, come on then, give me one good reason why I should let you in". Theresa May waffles on for about 20 minutes, mumbling and incoherently rambling about all manner of non achievements in her long, esteemed career. St Peter summons the Archangel Gabriel and says "Find her somewhere out of the way where she won't bother anyone".

St Peter's assistant, completely gobsmacked that she's been let in asks "Why on earth did you let her in?". St Peter replied "Don't you know who she is? If we hadn't let her in, we'd have had her back every day listening to that same olf crap for ever in the forlorn hope we'd change our mind!".

Have a great weekend.

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