Friday 29 March 2019

The Friday Joke 29/03/2019 - A great joke courtesy of David Cameron

The 29th March 2019 will go down in history as the day nothing much happened. It was meant to be Brexit Day. In the event, it is just another day in the seemingly unending Groundhog day that is Parliament discussing Brexit. I thought I'd have a look at what has actually happened on the 29th March of note in years gone by on Wikipedia:

 It is quite ironic that the last in Wikipidia's list is the Same Sex marriage bill, which is perhaps David Cameron's finest hour.

Which leads me to our joke. What is the difference between Same Sex Marriages and Brexit? You can have a same sex marriage in England on 29th March 2019 thanks to David Cameron. (We'll I can't because I'm already married but you know what I mean).

Have a great weekend!

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