Monday 13 May 2019

Church Farmhouse Museum - The ultimate irony

Do you ever happen on an old item at the back of a cupboard, and find yourself reduced to tears by the memory?  A good friend of mine, Robert Smith, Banjo player with Mill Hill's finest Hillbilly band, The Skiff Skats passed away last week. Robert was instrumental in getting Mill Hill Music Complex involved in  the "Sound of The Suburbs" Exhibition at The Church Farmhouse Museum in Hendon. This was a collection of rock and pop memorabilia from the musicians of the locality.

I had taken some pictures of the opening day of the exhibition with Robert and I was looking for them, following Roberts passing. Back in 2006 when the exhibition took place, I was not writing blogs etc, or on Facebook or Tweeting, so I only had a few dog eared images. Sadly I couldn't find what I was looking for. What I did find was a letter of thanks from the then curator, Gerrard Roots thanking me for the loan of various items and my support. I also found a selection of photographs of the studios over the years. There they all were. Happy, smiling pictures of Ernie Ferebee, my former studio partner who died in 2001 of Pancreatic Cancer. A picture of Paul Hircombe, the former bassplayer of the False Dots and another partner in the studio, looking young and moody. Paul passed away in 2011 from Oesophageal cancer. There was also a picture of my Mum, who was still alive at the time. I'd taken her up to see the exhibition and then next door for a Sandwich and lunch. Despite the fact that she'd had a major stroke in 2000, she had been determined to see the exhibition. She was proud that the studio was recognised in the exhibition. Despite being almost unable to climb the stairs, she was determined to see it. She was thrilled to learn of the pivotal role in the North West London music scene that the studio played. She said that it brought home to her how much we'd achieved. She enjoyed a beer and a sandwich in the Greyhound even more. My mum had been a lunchtime regular before her stroke and was pleased to go back. It was the last time she ever went there. She died in 2008.

Church Famrhouse was an absolutely amazing asset for our local community. It offered an opportunity for local people, especially children to learn of the history of our community. Sadly the local Conservative Council place no value on the history of our area. They summarily closed the museum in 2011. I made a film on the day the museum closed with Gerrard. I am proud of my little film, but it is a sad tale.

.Having  watched the video once again, I decided to see what Wikipedia had to say about the building. I had to laugh at the irony of the final sentence "The building is now occupied by the Centre for Abuse and Trauma Studies and the European Human Rights Advocacy Centre, both part of Middlesex University. The University took over and restored the building in 2016."

I was and am still disgusted that Middlesex University participated in this act of cultural vandalism. For a centre of learning to destroy such a resource is ironic indeed. To destroy our heritage is not only an abuse of office, traumatising many people who had a long held deep affection for the museum, but I believe that it totally disregards the human rights of our young people to learn of their heritage and be deprived of their rights to a heritage. In other European countries, this is recognised. In the Borough of Barnet, is it any wonder that we are plagued with vandalism, when our council and local university are the biggest vandals of all.

I have this question for the great and good at Middlesex University. How can you be so crass as to to destroy such a jewel in our community and how can you possibly claim to be 'educators' if you are a party to such actions? Educational institutions are meant to teach us to appreciate things of beauty and recognise the value of history. How can you square this with your participation in the destruction of the museum? This building should be what it has been for generations. A place where local people come to learn to appreciate our heritage.

In loving Memory of Robert and Pete Smith RIP - The Skiff Skats - Mill Hill's finest Cowpoke band!


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