Friday 19 April 2024

We All Love a Party!

How proud am I? Today is the big day! My band The False Dots have released our first single of 2024 and it's called We All Love A Party. For me, the song is more than just a nice tune. Over the last few years, it seems to me that everyone has become more angry, less tolerant and dare I say it, less fun. When we were plunged into lockdown, I had hoped that a period of introspection would make us all more chilled and happier. It seems the opposite has happened. Many of us seem to be so uptight. Everyone seems to take offence at everything. We are suspicious of strangers, we are intolerant of people begging, if we see or hear our neighbours enjoying themselves, we get irritated. In short, we need to chill out. 

In July of last year, I was rehearsing with the band and we were discussing my forthcoming birthday. We got onto the subject of parties, not raves, but the parties we'd have at our homes in the 1960's and 1970's when all the rellies, friends and neighbours would come around. It would all start terribly politely, everyone in the best clothes (a concept that now seems prehistoric). The food would include such delights as cheese and pineapple hedgehogs and mushroom vol-au-vonts. Everyone would be smoking and full ashtrays would get knocked over. Older rellies may smoke pipes and more well to do, would have a cigar.

The music would be vinyl, and it was a constant battle for the turntable between the youngsters, who might want to play Marvin Gaye and the oldsters who wanted Englebert Humperdink and Paddy McGinty's goat.

The drinks would be things like snowballs (Advocaat and lemonade - many people's first cocktail!), Babycham, Woodpecker cider and Watneys Party 7 beer. As the evening went on and people drank, the behaviour would get worse. Beer would get spilled, people would get tipsy and embarrass themselves. As the night wore on, you might get a conga up and down the road or a scuffle. In the morning, the house would look like a tip. 

We were full of reminiscences of this and I decided to write a song to celebrate this culture. The result is We All Love a Party. About six weeks ago, we filmed the single. We wanted to show a real celebration, so we simply invited a bunch of our friends down, had a party and filmed it. The band played for a while and then we played the finest Ska music. Max Sarychkin, who is a talented filmmaker, filmed and edited it all up. Today is the culmination of that. Here it is, we think its is rather good. We all need to have a bit of a party and chill out. 

You can also listen to the single on Spotify, iTUNES, etc. Please download it and add it to your playlists - CLICK HERE FOR ALL SPOTIFY LINKS, ITUNES DOWNLOADS ETC

When we started recording the track, last August, we made a short video showing the process. To me, it is fascinating seeing how it has progressed.

And finally, why not come down and see the band next Friday, 26th April at The Dublin Castle. If you want a great music scene in London, go to gigs and support bands like us! - Click Here for Tickets


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