Friday 25 October 2024

Dogs shouldn't need rescuing, but while they do, I'll support dog rescue charities

You may wonder why there are two dogs on the cover of the new album by my band, The False Dots? The answer is pretty simple. The one on the left, the black and white dog belongs to our trumpet player Tom Hammond. The one on the right, the fox red one, is Bruno, is my dog. Both are rescure dogs. The album title, a Finger in the Sun and the cover is a reference to the studio we recorded and mixed most of the tracks at. We went to my mate Boz Boorer's Serra Vista studios in the mountains of Monchique in Portugal. Boz's wife Lyn volunteers at a dog sanctuary and they have three dogs they've acquired over the years. Each evening, as we had a barbeque on the terrace of the studio, the dogs would join us for the evening. It set a brilliant, chilled out mood. We thought that it was only right and proper to acknowledge the role that the canine community played in setting the atmosphere. We also think they fit in quite well with the vibe. The illustration is meant evoke the beautiful mountain valley where Boz's studio sits anbd the great vibe he gets.

I've always loved dogs. When I was a kid at St Vincents, everyone was being asked what they wanted to be when they grew up. To almost universal hysterics, I replied that I wanted to own a dog and have a pond. I didn't really care what job I did. Everyone else was saying they wanted to be a pilot or a footballer. By this measure, I've succeeded beyond my wildest dreams gaving two dogs and two ponds. At home, probably our favourite shows are of the "Dogs Behaving Badly" variety. Dogs can be hilarious. My missus often gets annoyed at the stupidity of 'bad owners', but I feel that at least they are trying to sort things out by getting the experts in. 

What really infuriates me are people who abuse animals. Both of our dogs were abused before the RSPCA and the NAWT had them. Our white german shepherd is still a nervous wreck and is especially fearful of men entering the house. Many think it is aggression, but it is a defensive reaction to abuse as a puppy. Although the perfect dog with me in the park and will spend hours playing ball outside, inside she still gives me a wide berth, although she is placid and lets me clean ears and teeth being very good.

Me and my best mate!
Our other dog is a labrador, rottweiller, ridgeback cross. He's a big boy and weighs around 45kg. He is the most loving dog, but he has issues. He is easily spooked. He used to go mad at people carrying sticks. He'd also go mad if you dropped a penny down the side of the sofa and went to get it. His previous owner had clearly kept a stick down the sofa to beat him. He also hates white vans with a passion. We've never quite figured out why. He's thirteen now and we got him at around a year, I hope he's had a good life. 

I have never for one second, regretted getting our dogs. I got in from rehearsal last night at midnight and only Bruno was pleased to see me. He wanted a walk to do his business, that I of course cleaned up. We've always supported dog charities. Being a terrible parent, one year I told my kids that they weren't getting presents, but I'd take out a £10 a month subscription to a charity of each of their choices for a year. My son chose the NAWT animal charity, and I still subscribe. I told my kids that the charity was the "National Association of Woof Trusts". It is actually the National Animal Welfare Trust, but the name stuck on our house and we refer to it as the Woof trust. We got Bruno there in 2012. We got Kira, the Shepherd from the RSPCA. 

Toms doggie 

Whilst people mistreat animals, I will give to the charities. We will also be donating 10% of any profits I personally make from the album to animal charities as payment for Bruno and Max as models on the cover!

Dogs shouldn't need rescuing, but as long as they do, I'll support those who do it and rehome the victims of the terrible people who do this.  The album is released on the 17th November at The Dublin Castle at 2pm. If you don't like the band, but wanna donate then please do. 

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