Wednesday 13 October 2021

How to ruin a radio station - What are the BBC doing to BBC Radio London?

 So we've now had nearly a month to get used to the 'new format' at BBC Radio London. I'm writing this listening to Eddie Nestor on what was Robert Elms former show. I like Eddie and I think he's a great presenter. That being said, he is now in the wrong slot. His former drivetime slot was excellent. I particularly liked the fact that the last hour between 7pm and 8pm was always a bit more edgy. The powers that be decided that the last hour should be a London sports show. This is great when there is football or other sports on, but when not much is going on, it can be very dull. Most people who want to listen to sports shows have talksport. When there is a London match on commentary, BBC London does sports well, but the rest of the time? There is no real logic. 

Eddie's show on the 10am-2pm slot is ok, if you like phone in's. He doesn't get to choose his own music and there is almost no cultural content. Eddie even moaned that he couldn't choose his own music. For me, the music is a problem. Robert Elms, who had some latitude in the slot and guests, often played stuff that you'd never hear elsewhere, I probably have a couple of hundred records in my collection because I heard an artist on his show. Now? This morning we've has such tunes as ELO Mr Sunshine and the Kaiser Chiefs Ruby. A good, public service broadcaster opens cultural windows. This simply isn't happening on Eddie's show. Who is picking the music? I have no idea, but the plan seems to be to play inoffensive bland pop and AOR. To be honest, I'd rather they didn't bother if that's all they can do. Anyone who wants to listen to this sort of stuff has plenty of options. I run a music studio and music on the radio has a vital job of introducing us to new sounds. It is what used to keep London at the forefront of world music. I was naughty yesterday. We had an amazing artist rehearsing in the studio on Monday. I wanted London to hear her. I have no vested interest in her, she isn't signed to us, she just booked a studio for the day to practice for a gig. Yesterday I phoned Eddie and made sure I have her a massive plug. Her name is Miss Baby Sol. Have a listen. She is amazing.

I did this to make the point that from Monday to Thursday we are not getting a fix of new artists as we did when Robert had the slot. Eddie is working to a brief. He does it well, but it is quite simply the wrong brief. Put him back on drivetime where he belongs. I'd be fascinated to hear a show where Eddie plays his own choice of music and has something to get excited about. I'd like to see a few regular slots on his show. But what we have is a sort of LBC light with dull music. It is not doing Eddie any favours and that really irritates me. 

Jo Good was replaced by Jeanette Kwakye for the mid afternoon slot. Jeanette started on the station on the womens sports show. As a sports presenter she is great. She is knowledgeable and engaging. She asks the right questions. When she sat in for Robert Elms, before his show was moved, she did a great job. With all Roberts slots and the feel of his show, it worked. I thought she'd be brilliant. However, her show at the moment isn't working. It lacks the energy and fun of Jo's show. I can only assume that like Eddie, she's lumbered with a brief that doesn't work and a selection of music that doesn't excite her. Jeanette hasn't the experience of Eddie so at times it sounds to me like she's struggling to keep the show going. She should have been given a later show and more latitude to do the subject she has a passion for.

Then there is the new slots for Robert Elms. This is starting to drive me around the bend. He is on the radio on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Every day the show starts/finishes at different times. I have put the radio on, only to find it hasn't started or it has finished. The slots that worked so well in the week just seem to be on at the wrong time. For instance, Robert would always start the show on a Monday with the Listed Londoner slot. I love this slot. It would be the first hour, he'd have a chat and then ask the fifteen questions. Now it seems a bit compressed as Robert tries to fit it all in, as the last slot on the Sunday show. When he started it on a Monday, it would often throw up topics that people would ring up about. Now there is no chance to chew the cud on it, and that is a huge loss. Robert doesn't have the opportunity to remind listeners for feedback, notes and queries and there is far less time for artists and new music. Shoehorning the show into less hours, hasn't made it better, it has meant there is no time to breath. For me it is essential listening, but I am rarely able to on a Saturday or Sunday. Robert is also lumbered with the awful playlist. It simply doesn't work on his show. How some numpty could think that imposing music that doesn't fit the show is a good idea is beyond me.

And finally, we have Jo Good. I don't listen to the radio at night. I made an exception a couple of times for Jo, when I had a bath after football. In truth, Jo is great at that time of night. I am sure that for those who like Jo and like listening to the radio at night it is great. She has said she feels liberated, as she can be a bit naughty later on (when the bosses have gone home). I miss her in the afternoon, as it was always fun listening to her. She is a great presenter. 

If it wasn't for the fact that I feel a degree of loyalty to Eddie and Robert, I probably would have stopped listening to BBC London in protest at the changes. I had a long dialog with Sara David, the boss who imposed the changes. I explained why I thought they wouldn't work for BBC Radio London. I got bland, uninformative responses. She refused to share the new 'show briefs'. Now it is clear what they are, it is clear that she has an agenda to change the station from being one that informs London to one that reflects London. I doubt she listens to the shows very often. I doubt that she has much interest in the culture of London that the station supports. I would guess that she considers herself knowledgeable about local radio and what formats work on paper.  She is lucky to have some excellent presenters that may pull the coals from the fire, but to me the whole things is ill conceived. 

I've been told that one key brief was to make the show 'more diverse'. The execution of the changes, shows how out of touch the bosses were. Robert Elms had a better understand of various diverse music genres than just about anyone. Giving Eddie Nestor a playlist with ELO and the Kaiser Chiefs, shows just how clueless they are. If he was given free range to play the music he actually liked, then this charge couldn't be levelled but, come on. The same goes for Jeanette. A couple of times when playlist tunes have finished, she's sounded as if she's almost dozed off. I don't blame her, I would. 

I spend my days sitting in the reception of a London music studio. I see some of the greatest talent we have on a daily basis. I discuss London culture with them all of the time. For some reason, people think I have some sort of insight into what is going on. I haven't. I've not got a clue why they've got it all so wrong. I don't think they have either.

If any benevolent billionaires are out there, please get in touch. Lets set up a proper radio station for London, that does the job BBC Radio London used to do before the bosses decided to ruin it. It isn't hard. Get great presenters (something that the station has), Give them a degree of free reign to play the music they like, cover the topics they like and interview the guests who interest them. If they are good, the calls from Londoners will flow.


RussellW said...

You could always listen to a Finchley based radio station playing great music on DAB!

Unknown said...

Belatedly came across this item, my thoughts exactly. I have been listening to BBC Radio London for over 25 years every day in the week for many hours, now I manage to remember the Elms show occasionaly otherwise I don't have Radio London on at all. What a waste of talent. Yes please let's have a new station.

Unknown said...

Couldn't agree more! They have made a mess of it. The bad taste merchants are allowed to take over. Jounralists and presenters with knowledge and experience have been replaced by amateur hour. I did a better job as a radio presenter on hospital radio!!!
I agree in getting a new station for London controlled by the people thats informative and what we had in the original Radio London. I don't want Adele or a Radio 2 playlist of music. Its clear on some days even Robert is choosing the music, its a disgrace!
We would have to get Elms on board and Jo and build around it. Bring on a good folk/ new music slot as well as world music and it would be perfect and perhaps a bit of light comedy...a combo of the best of radio at the moment but all together under one roof.
Im in!

Anonymous said...

I completely agree and as a result of Robert and Jo being effectively removed from the times I used to listen, I can no longer tune in to Rafio London. This is a shame because for years, it has been my favourite station. I too bought music introduced by Robert. Such a shame.

Zeppo said...

This is so dreadful. What do they mean by diversity? All presenters look the same on radio! I have always found Eddie Nestor hard to listen to as he always seems to be putting on a voice of some kind. Diversity should mean a variety of content, not the colour of the presenters' skin. I had been hoping Robert Elms and Jo Good were on long holidays. I turn over to LBC or Radio 4 nowadays.

Unknown said...

it is a shame I like Eddie but this is not his format, great drive time. the daytime station is ruined.

Unknown said...

Such a huge miss. Both Robert Elms and Jo Good were such a mainstay of Radio London. Whilst I’m sure Eddie Nestor is a seasoned presenter he just doesn’t do it for me. Now only listen at weekends to Robert. Today the presenter who was standing in for Eddie was very good, he listened and had emotional intelligence, I would be tuning in if he was given the slot on a permanent basis

Anonymous said...

Totally agree. I don’t listen anymore. The music is so bland and MOR - which is NOT representative of London. Really miss Robert and Jo’s regular shows - they have so much energy and enthusiasm for the diversity of London. The managers have made a huge mistake in alienating regular, loyal listeners. I doubt they will attract many new ones but we shall see.

Anonymous said...

I only came across this belatedly when looking for some stats after the changes at BBC London wanting to see how the listening figures been effected. It seems others too still miss the the greats after even a year. I barely listen to BBC London now. Please do not ever let Vanessa go. That will really be the end of it all. Agree with you all. I hope BBC London have read this. I will post the link on Twitter in any case and on Jo's excellent social media pages.

Amanda 100 said...

What an absolute mess they've made of Radio London. Now that Vanessa is going - and who knows what the real story is there - I won't be listening at all. All the best presenters have gone.

Martin 100 said...

Totally agree with all the previous comments . i have thought that since the changes were made that the daytime playlist is abysmal, most sound like Radio 1 and Radio 2 cast-offs. i'ved also noticed that Robert Elms is playing tracks that he would never never never choose !
I've been a listener for over 20 years but not for much longer.

Neil said...

Note that the published audience figures for Radio London mysteriously end at December 21.....I can't believe that they are anything but bad news. A clueless reorganisation....but given how corrupt the BBC now is, I doubt that they will ever admit their mistake or try to make amends.

All good news for LBC/Times Radio......

Anonymous said...

Well I've given it a go but listeners don't seem to be interested, the presenters seem to be struggling to get callers.
Maybe, like me, they are switching stations. Sad really.

Anonymous said...

It’s now Sept 22 and I’m listening to Jo good via bbc sounds having not managed to replace the unique style and content anywhere else… I miss both Robert and Jo’s show for the culture content - I’ve seen so many small shows and exhibitions because Jo has brought them to my attn and then I’ve gone on to meet people at said shows who’d also been motivated by Jo’s input.. both presenters were incredibly knowledgable and curious about London life - I felt they were incredibly diverse and inclusive in both their content and outlook and embraced the new whilst reflecting on the old… I very much admire their acceptance of the changes especially Jo’s forever optimistic gratitude for being able to remain on air and doing the job she loves but I do miss them ! I’m not a millionaire but I’m up for a slot if anyone wants to put a show together 😉😉

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well, if the BBC wanted to get rid of me as a listener, they have succeeded. First Jo, then Robert and finally Vanessa. With all the shuffling, Jo, Robert and Eddie could have stayed in their old slots. What a mess up.

Anonymous said...

I just looked up the Rajar figures - 31% drop yoy! Even with a general decline that is huge and surely they need to pay attention. Worst decision ever in the history of radio to mess with the fantastic schedule they had. And for what - Janette was gone within a couple of months! Vanessa jumping ship was just the final nail. What a shame.

Anonymous said...

I Totally agree. I don’t listen anymore. Listed Londoner clashes with desert island disc and Cerys matthews

Anonymous said...

Absolutely dreadful! Eddie was perfect for drive time. Enjoyed listening to the lively debates whilst cooking etc. Robert Elms is sorely missed on weekday mornings. I rarely manage to catch him at the weekend, and when I do, there’s often a standin. Where have Sunny and Shay gone? Vanessa was an enormous loss, she was fabulous in the mornings- lest we forget she had a morning talk show on itv! Jo is great in the evenings, though it seems her show has been reduced. I do not need 3 hours of the bbc Asian network on a Monday. And certainly don’t need hours of sport every evening, there are other channels for people who are interested in irrelevant matches etc. I say this as a mixed race London born woman in her 30’s (this was added as apparently they wanted more “diversity”)!