Sunday 19 July 2009

Brian Coleman boasts about sponging on his blog !

You really should read this blog in the News Statesman by Brian Coleman.

Here are a few choice extracts for your perusal

"Rather like the Methodist Church (which it seems these days stands for not much that John Wesley would recognise) and unlike my Octogenarian Mother I have long since abandoned my teetotalism and enjoy good champagne when someone else is paying and a glass of port or two after your average City Corporation Dinner."
"I vividly recall going on an official trip to Cyprus when one Labour MP had to be physically helped off the plane by a colleague when he arrived at Larnaca as he was too drunk to stand and on a previous trip one corpulent now former Scottish Labour MP who failed to attend any of the official meetings but somehow managed all the dinners!"

"Gordon Brown has promised to the relief of local councillors across the Country to review the liberalisation of the licensing laws. Perhaps he should bring his Scottish Presbyterian views to the attention of some of those closer to home."

Indeed !

When you've read that blog, read this one - The Brian Coleman Free dinner register update

Actions speak louder than words.

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