Saturday, 2 January 2016

The 2016 Barnet Council governance project - No 2 - Surveillance of Barnet Residents

Todays FoI request involves surveillance of Barnet Council residents and employees by third party agencies. We are interested in how much has been sent and how many prosecutions this has been used in. Local Authorities have all manner of reasons for spying on their residents and employees. This could be for purposes of fraud prevention, to identify people involved in cheating in school admission processes, cases where there is suspicion of child abuse etc. There are also less wholesome possibilities.

From: Roger Tichborne
Sent: 02 January 2016 10:12
To: ''
Subject: Freedom of Information Request - Surveillance

Dear FoI Barnet,

Please can you provide the total amount paid to companies involved in surveillance of Barnet Residents and employees of Barnet Council in 2014 and 2015. If possible, please can you break down into

a)      Electronic surveillance
b)      Physical surveillance

Please can you also provide details of how many successful prosecutions against Barnet residents and Council employees this information was used in.

Roger Tichborne

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