Sunday 17 January 2016

Tweets of the week in the London Borough of Barnet 17/1/2016

For many of us it has been a foul week. Bad weather and horrible news. What caught my eye? Maybe some of these will add a bot of cheer to your day.

1. This seemed a rather appropriate tweet of the week, don't you think?

Great day 4 a drive to 1 of my fav pubs in Mill Hill today, & checking the grave of Billy Fury on the way.

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2. I rather liked this one as well from Chris Rudge. Anyone know the answer?

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3. B.Root is rather taken with Pirelli Point in Edgware

There's the Angel Of The North, Severn Bridge, Tower of London and then Edgware gives us this...

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4. Richard Osley is a bit worried about the "Dog Poo chalkers" spelling issues

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5. The Londonist rathe rlike Bernie the Labrador's map of East Finchley

Bernie is an elderly chocolate labrador: this is his map of East Finchley

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6. Finchley Rugby club are rather taken with the snow!

winter wonderland.
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7. London Weather are rather taken with the swans of Barnet

Chilly swans in Barnet this morning, thanks to bryan the fish.

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8. A Plea from Donald Lyven!

9.  Ian Dunn is none too impressed with how Barnet Council are doing in Finchley!

North Finchley in the days before Barnet Council ruined our High Street! 

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10. Did you know that Independent Venues Week is coming up? Nope? Well Check it out with this tweet from Mill Hill Music Complex

We've now put full details of Independent Venues Week on the website

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