Monday 8 December 2008

The type of people who repulse me - volume 1

The Seven Deadly sins of Modern day Barnet

I thought I'd make a little list of all of the personality traits in people which really repulse me. Heaven forbid that anyone thinks I'm referring to any particular local politicians - any similarity to any local politician in Barnet is purely coincidental :-

1. Spongers - People who earn £85,000 a year but still ponce tickets for charity dinners.
2. Responsibility shirkers - For example those paid a responsibility allowance, who when things go wrong say "Not my fault guv, I didn't know"
3. Brown nosers - People who agree publicly with their leader, when they know full well he's wrong - "I was pleased to join my colleagues in unanimously agreeing to the recommendations".
4. Fiddlers - Directors who let their firms go bust, not paying suppliers in the processs, who provided goods and services in good faith.
5. Liars - For example, people who say 90% of the emails they receive are "racist" and then confess they only actually got one.
6. Vain posers - who get hundreds of pounds spent on vanity websites, when perfectly reasonable free alternatives are available
7. Elitists - Set up little power cliques, excluding those not in the loop

I think we can all agree that these are fairly repulsive personality traits - can't we?


Don't Call Me Dave said...

What about directors who don’t pay their company’s taxes but are happy to receive taxpayer funded handouts?

valblog said...

I ticked the box that said rubbish only because you hate brown-nosers.