Tuesday 27 January 2009

Rog T 1 - Brian Coleman 0

Hard Working Brian Coleman with Former Labour Minister Chris Smith

I've got a rehearsal with the band tonight. I'm going to enjoy it even more than useual tonight. I may even have a glass of nice red wine when I get home in celebration. What am I celebrating. Well it seems my little campaign (with a little help from a few like minded individuals has borne fruit). I was sent a link to the GLA expenses documents for April - October 2008 and it appears that our good friend, Brian Coleman has taken heed of our criticism. Last year his Taxi bill was approx £8,500. For the half year to October it's a mere £195. Although it is the highest for any GLA member, it's only £8 higher than the next on the list.

Now I know Brian and all his friends will deny it to the ends of the earth, but I know, you know and he knows that his bills were outrageous. We all know that it was damaging the London Conservatives and we all know there will be an election some time soon. He also knows that he'd get no peace from this quarter, so he's cut back. Whether this is a temporary change or a complete cure, I don't know. What I do know is this. If it hadn't been for some of us constantly reminding everyone what he's like, then he'd still be at it. It's only half time, but when it comes to Colemans cutbacks, it's Rog T 1 Brian Coleman 0.

Check this link for the full expenses for the London Assembly - April - October 2008


Citizen Barnet said...

Congratulations. I've come late to this campaign, but I rejoice in your very real achievement.

Don't Call Me Dave said...

Power to the people!

Brian Coleman aka Mr Toad has GOT to go said...


Rog - its marvellous news of course that Coleman's taxi bill has gone down. However, I'm afraid that this news comes on the very same day that I learn the following from 'The Tory Troll' blog:

"At a meeting of the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority that he chairs, Coleman voted for an additional £7,564.91 (plus SR allowances) to be paid to authority members who are also on the London Assembly."

Surely this couldn't be to compensate his 'loss of earnings' over the taxi publicity. Could it?

It would be interesting to compile a complete list of Coleman's allowances in his various guises and add this to the value of his free lunches and junkets. Perhaps I'll do it one day when I've got a spare couple of weeks :-)

Brian Coleman (aka Mr Toad) has GOT to go!:



Citizen Barnet said...

He is incorrigible!

Rog T said...

Dear Mr Toad,

It looks like Brian Coleman has equalised in injury time :^(