Sunday 3 October 2010

Barnet Eye Weekly Roundup

Perhaps the most interesting thing I've found this week is a series of Youtube videos giving advice on techniques for protestors making non violent protests. Here's an example. I suspect that as the spending cuts come into force, we'll see more of this in coming months and years. Interestingly for me, it doesn't seem that we need to resort to such measures to get signatures for the Library closure petition. People are coming to us to ask. I've had a fair few people emailing me for hard copies of the petition, so they can collect signatures from their neighbours. Anyway, take a look at this. Food for thought indeed.

On a happier note, I went up to the Adam and Eve pub for their open night on Thursday. The new owners were rather surprised at the strong turnout. The Barnet Eye gives a big thumbs up to their plan. Check their blog, it's in the worth a look list in the sidebar.

Other interesting news from the area. It appears that yet again this weekend we had the BNP collecting signatures for a bring the boys home petition. As I rather suspected, many people didn't  realise it was a BNP petition. I received an email from a resident who spoke to the guys collecting the petition. What they told me was rather disturbing. It seems that even the people collecting the petition this week were not doing it out of any great love of the BNP. They were just trying to do something for our boys and so had agreed to do it on this basis. They said that they didn't support many of the BNP policies. Sadly they were unaware of the Stop the war coalition. When it was suggested that collecting for Help for Heroes would be a better cause, as the money would actually help servicemen, they agreed. Whilst I'm sure there are a few committed BNP activists around, it is clear that their current strategy is based on taking advantage of peoples good nature. Can I suggest that if you want to help our boys, you contact help for heroes - - this organisation is run by honest and decent folks who are doing it for our boys, not as a way of duping people into joining extremist organisations. Perhaps the saddest thing I heard was a tale of one pensioner who'd given a donation to the BNP to help "our boys". When he was informed that his donation would be used for political campaigning for the BNP rather than for injured soldiers, he was gutted. It's a free country, if people really want to join the BNP or give them money, that's their business, but I was under the impression that taking money under false pretences was illegal. If you see anyone donating money at such a stall, make sure they know what they are giving it to. If they have donated under false pretences, ask for the cash back. If this doesn't happen call the police as it is fraud. It strikes me as a rather Un-British way to carry on.

One other thing, just in case you missed it, we relaunched the Barnet Future Shape Leaks website this week. We've had nearly Five hundred hits since Friday. Not bad going - see the sidebar for the link.

I put a link on the new site to Windsor Councils openness policy. This is a Tory Council who are doing things the right way. I'd suggest all Tory Councillors check this out. Barnet Council expend a massive amount of money and energy trying to thwart bloggers such as me. If they followed the example of Windsor, they'd not have to bother


the dude said...

your either a comitted bnp hater or just prejudiced, the bnp are doing good work better than labour did by sending our troops to iraq and killing over 1 million iraq civillians.people like you make me sick you have'nt got the guts to join up or do what the bnp do, stand up!

Rog T said...

Typical comment from a BNP supporter. You fail to address the points I raise. You ignore the deception involved. You pretend the BNP were the only people opposing the war - what about the Stop the War coalition, which the BNP shun?

Stop the war consistently opposed the war. The BNP have just jumped on the bandwagon recently. The BNP Exploiting our boys in this way makes me sick makes me. If you care about the boys, get in touch with help for heroes

the dude said...

left wing sour grapes, you just wont accept that your parties have failed the white working classes.
you think that all the 15000 members of bnp and the 1million people that voted bnp in the euro and 500,000 that voted in the genral elections are all racist, biggoted, nazis dont you? but you loved us when we voted labour!
well in case you have'nt heard the bnp has a new revised constitution
that allows ethnic minorities to join.
and lastly your comments are all hear say about poor pensioners emailing you crap.

the dude said...

the stop the war coalition are a left wing organization thats jumping on our bandwagon.

the people are smart enough to know that the left took us in to this war.

so your confusion tactics dont work.

Rog T said...

Where's the sour grapes mate. Sour grapes for what? You lot got wiped out at the General election because you were so unpopular.

can you read? I do wonder because your comments bear no relation to what I wrote.

I'm sure that the vast majority of the people who voted BNP did so as a protest and are probably not rabid nazis. What you can't deny is that the leader of the party is a holocaust denier. You can't deny that the party only changed its constitution as it was deemed illegal.

I find it strange that you doubt the generosity of British pensioners towards our servicemen.

As to the white working classes. You quite clearly haven't read your history books. Who set up the NHS? Who brought in the welfare state? Who raised university attendence to record levels? All of these things have massively benefitted the working class. All of them are things the BNP would destroy given half a chance.

I'd suggest you read "The road to Wigan Pier" by George Orwell, so you see just how much Britain has improved in the last 80 years, before you start spouting nonsense.

Rog T said...

S. Curry, I suppose you are right. It is better than most of the nonsense they usually come out with

Rog T said...

Why do the BNP have to make stuff up such as "Stop the war coalition have jumped on our bandwagon".

Only an idiot would call Tony Blair left wing.

Anyone with half a brain would recall that Stop the War have been campaigning since the invasion of iraq. I don't know if these guys are stupid or enjoy telling porkies. I just wish they'd bother to at least check their facts.

I don't suppose it occurs to him that more people have turned up for Stop the War protests than the entire BNP vote at the last general election.

S Curry said...

You made some good points "the dude" I think the troops out campaign is a great idea if the other Parties who were against the war really cared they would also give up their Saturdays to raise awareness.

It is an insult to a persons intellegence to keep saying Holocaust deniers every time you lose an argument people might fall for that once maybe even twice but after that they can see you just haven't got any intellegent arguements to bring to the table.

Goggle Richard Blackmore Jewish Candidate for Fryent Brent May 2010Local elections. And you will see the BNP are pro Jewish.

Rog T said...

S Curry, does that mean you will attend the Stop The War coalition rally in November?

As to the Holocaust denial. It is a matter of public record that Nick Griffin is a holocaust denier. Why do you argue with facts and matters of public record?

The fact you've managed to recruit 1 Jewish council candidate in Barnet is hardly proof of anything. It just means one bloke happens to agree with you and tens of thousands don't - google tokenism

S Curry said...

Rog T the Labour Party are Left wing and Tony Blair was the Leader of course he was in the camp of the left.

Maybe you think different as everything in Blairs life revolves round greed well you could be right he and many of his kind are a new breed of fake socialist like the incredably rich union bosses and of of course the silver spooned Milibans who are completly out of touch with the working classes.

The truth is if a political party can tune in to the publics mindset they will become popular and like it or not the public are warming to the bnp if you look at the time span the mainsteam parties have been around compared to the bnp you will see the bnp are the new kid on the block and to be the 4th biggest party in such a short time span tells you exactly what the future holds.

S Curry said...

Rog T for someone who writes a blog
for Barnet you seem to not relise the Fryent Ward is in Brent, anyway
one of the BNP Candidates for Kentish Town Camden also has a Jewish wife there are many more Jewish people in the BNP who for legal reasons I cannot give the names of.

This is local knowledge and people who live localy and know the Jewish members know that the bnp has modenised to a moderate nationalist party this is why this Nazi nonsense just does not wash anymore.

Rog T said...

My apologies. Being dyslexic, I read that as Frien Barnet. Google dyslexia as a tag on this blog if you don't believe me.

I'm afraid that while Griffin is leader, you cannot get away from the fact that you are lead by a holocaust denier.

I actually agree with your comments re Blair - he is a greedy sod. I must say though that Nick Griffen seems to have taken like a duck to water in Strasbourg. Lots of nice pictures of big dinners on your website.

As to your comments on the BNP tuning into peoples mindsets, this is just wishful thinking. Bear in mind that the British are a very polite people most of the time. When old ladies tell you your lovely they are humouring you.

the dude said...

if you think the s the w c are so great why arent you helping them ?they do nothing but get drunk and squat in tents.

and whatever your labour pary has given the white working classes
it's cost us our land so the price is to high.

i would rather have nick griffin than re ed any day. red ed has never had a job in his life, straight from uni into the labour party then a safe seat, pathetic piss taker and thinks that the stupid british public will believe it.
wake up mate your being taken for a mug!

the dude said...

well if the bnp are not getting anywhere and are not a threat to the old gang of three and their grubby little political monopoly,
why do they set the uaf thugs on a legitimate political party? to protect their jobs market thats why
but everybody else has to compete for their jobs!

the dude said...

lastly your confused about nick griffin's position on the holocaust,
he does'nt deny it of course it happend, he does not agree the numbers thats all.

if you want a fair society you have to have democracy we dont, we have an elusion of democracy but in practice its a two horse race.

Rog T said...

1. I'm not a La\bour member, I'm a Lib Dem. They opposed the Iraq war.

2. Answer these simple questions
a) Is Johnson Beharry VC British
b) Do immigrants make a positive contribution to the UK
c) Did the nazis embark on a state sponsored program of genocide against the Jews

3. Don't use this blog to promote the BNP website or I'll delete your comment. I don't mind debate but I object to you using this blog to promote a racist agenda. Comprende?

the dude said...

as far as i know beharry vc is a pacific islander who joined our armed forces.
as far as i know the nazis were an evil bunch of murderers and what happened to the jews was genocide.
i wont promote the bnp on your site if you refrain from political correct bnp bashing and the party a chance like you give everyone else its called tollerance.

racisim is a nasty crime and we have the toughest laws in world.
if in our struggle to preserve our identity someone calls us racist then the law will arrest us.

immigrants who come to our land come to fill their pockets and good luck to them,but dont expect me to worship them for taking our jobs. and beforeyou give me the whos going to empty the bins crap remember bins get emptied in cornwall,hospitals are open this stuff gets done everywhere.

S Curry said...

Rog T, I blame drugs for the problems we are having in Britian not the immigrants I think alot of British people whether white european or second third generation immigrant are so high that they don't know what day of the week it is let alone being fit and ready for work, that is why a gap in the labour market has opened for new immigrants at a cost on public service such as hospital waiting lists.

Here are reasons why I find the lid dems a no no they are soft on drugs and also want to lower the age of consent which allows perverts to abuse children and did you know that there have been many lib dem councillors convicted for possesing child porn as will as being convicted for under age sex this this is a bad reflection of liberalism.

Rog T said...

The Dude

As ever, sooner or later BNP supporters show their true colours. For your information, my maternal Grandfather was an immigrant who came to Great Britain to fight in WWI. he got gassed in the trenches for his troubles.

My Father was also an immigrant who flew Wellington bombers for 40 squadron in WWII completing 40 missions before getting shot down over Romania.

What about the immigrant lady who cared for my mum in her last 2 years of life, when she was disabled or the nigerian immigrant who cared for my step father. Both worked for around the minimum wage. If that is your definition of lining your pocket, lord help us.

As to S Curry. Your attempt to smear all Lib Dems as paedophiles is offensive, dishonest and patently untrue. I was tempted to delete the comment, but thought it better to leave it there, just so people can see what the BNP sink to when it comes to lying about their opponents.

S Curry said...

Lib-Dem Council Election Candidate (Tower Hamlets/London), Justin Sillman – Convicted and jailed for 2 years for sexual abuse of young boys.

Lib-Dem Councillor (Leicestershire), Frank Beck – Received a total of 5 life sentences in 1991, after being convicted on 17 counts of indecent assault, buggery, rape, and actual bodily harm, as the ringleader of an organised paedophile ring operating within children's care homes in the Leicestershire area. Though never proven, it was also alleged that Cllr Beck was involved in the murder of children, and the production of `snuff` movies.

Lib-Dem Councillor (Malvern Hills/Worcestershire), Michael Angell - Convicted in 2008 on 11 counts of possession of indecent images of children, which he stored on the laptop computer provided for him by the council. Fined £2,5000 plus costs and given a 6-month suspended prison sentence by the judge, who described the Lib-Dem nonce as “a dirty old man”

Lib-Dem election candidate (Tavistock/Devon), Archibald Wood - Convicted and jailed for 6 years in 2007, for his part in a child-sex ring. Wood, along with 2 co-defendants, subjected a 12-year old girl and a 13-year old boy to 6 hours of rape and sexual abuse, after `ordering` the youngsters from another paedophile on the internet.

Lib-Dem election candidate (Bolton/Lancashire), Tanwir Taj Din - Convicted of indecent assault and jailed for 9 months in 2003, after he was found guilty of a sex attack on a woman passenger in his taxi cab.

Lib-Dem Councillor (Bradford/Yorkshire), Bob Hargreaves - Convicted in 2007 on 4 counts of indecent assault, 3 counts of indecency, and 1 count of attempted rape against two 11-year old girls. The 62-year old Lib-Dem beast was sent to prison for 5 years.

Lib-Dem Councillor (Preston/Lancashire), Bill Chadwick – Charged in 2003 with making an indecent photograph of a child, as well as inciting another man to commit the kidnap, rape, torture, and murder of a schoolgirl. Eventually convicted on 18 counts of making indecent images of children, fined £1000 and placed on the sex offenders register for life. Chadwick’s gay lover - Alan Valentine, who has since committed suicide, was also a Lib-Dem councillor.

The List is endless as I say it's got nothing to do with the immigrants why I am in the BNP I just Hate the other parties.

Rog T said...

S Curry,

You are a complete disgrace. You know full well that the behaviour of these sick individuals has nothing to do with their membership of the Lib Dem party. There are thousands of Lib Dem councillors and candidates up and down the country who find the behaviour of these creeps abhorrant.

As you well know, the BNP has the highest rate of people with criminal records of any party. Whilst I disagree with your views, I wouldn't try and tar you with the same brush if you hadn't committed the offences. It appears that your stock in trade is smear and innuendo. I'm sure you fit in very well within the BNP.

I honestly wouldn't have believed that even the BNP would seek to try and smear by association another politcal party in such a way, but you've proven me wrong and you've shown that no depth is too low for you to sink.

I hate and despise people who commit crimes such as this. What alarms me is that you don't even bother to crticise the fact that these creeps all got monstrously low sentences. You just see their horrible crimes as a way to score petty political points in a silly political argument. The argument I would make an which you clearly fail to, is why the Lib Dems and all of the other parties aren't fighting for stiffer sentences for such awful crimes.

It is clear that just like the issue of the war, this is merely an emotive issue that you've identified to make political capital out of.

I doubt you will, but you should be ashamed of yourself for using these facts in this way. It is clear you don't give a f**k about the crimes, you just think they are useful in the process of winning arguments. To me that is sick.

the dude said...

funny how it makes you sick when someone mentions negatives in your limp dems are something else.

the dude said...

i like the sound of your old folk fighting to save their identity just like us. you see im not of immigrant stock im indigenous and there for protected by u.n charter.
that says we have the right not to be colonised or ethnically cleansed
in our own lands, just like the tibietens have the right not to be over run by the people have made your family welcome in our land dont repay us by spitting in our faces.

the dude said...

there you go again spitting in the our faces thats why we vote for nick.
you dont get it because you dont have that conection, your not indigenous.your a limp dem im a nationalist and patriot.

our vote increased from 135k in 05 genral to 500k in 2010 its not enough but its on the way thanks to your sort take take take and hurl insults at us in our own land.
your no better than the white south africans of aparthied. nick griffin is our nelson mandela and you cant see it.

Rog T said...

My sort "take, take, take". What is my sort and what do I take?

FYI - I was born here, I employ 9 people, I've never claimed social security and I pay my taxes.

I am the son and the grandson of decorated war veterans and my Grandfather, who was an Irish Immigrant, who you deride so much was a personal friend of Winston Churchill when he was the Liberal MP for Oldham.

I don't spit in anyones face. I have manners and class. I just happen to disagree with you and you are too ignorant to have a rational discussion about it. You ought to read a bit more about the history of the country you claim to love. I'm a British Patriot as well. I just happen to subscribe to British values, not ones which were developed in Germany and Italy in the early part of the last century. I'm also proud of my ancestors who come from other countries. Is that too hard for you to understand?

Rog T said...

Sadly you really seem to have no awareness of anything. It's a matter of public record that I'm all the things you say.

"Your people" rejected you at the last election. They don't like what you stand for