Wednesday 27 February 2019

Culture Wednesday and The Wednesday Poem #54 - Cheddar Cheese and Celery


Cheddar Cheese and Celery
Live together in perfect harmony
Side by side on my dinner Cheese board
Oh Lord, Pass the brie?
We all know
That cheese boards aren't the same wherever you go
There is good and bad on every one
When we learn to live, we learn to give each other
Apple, Walnut and Endive
to bring Roquefort alive
Cheddar Cheese and Celery
Live together in perfect harmony
Side by side on my my dinner Cheese board
Oh Lord, Pass the brie?
We all know
That cheese boards aren't the same wherever you go
There is good and bad on every one
We learn to live when we learn to give each other
Apple, Walnut and Endive
to bring Jarlesberg alive
Cheddar Cheese and Celery
Live together in perfect harmony
Side by side on my dinner Cheese board
Oh Lord, pass the Brie?
Side by side on my dinner Cheese board
Oh Lord, pass the Brie?

Apologies to Paul McCartney

Union Street Cheese in Barnet
Cheese is a hot topic in Mill Hill. Our local MP Matthew Offord promised us a cheese shop if he was elected in 2010. We are still waiting.  Matthew's colleague Theresa Villiers MP has succeeded where Matthew has failed. Barnet residents are lucky to have the Marvelous and recently opened Union Street Cheese in Barnet High Street. We highly recommend them and wish them every success.

Please note that no cheese has been supplied to the Barnet Eye in exchange for this plug! Although we are happy to get some if you are feeling kind!

It is great to see that High Barnet has set up a brilliant site that is promoting its High Street. A model of a great community website. 

Culture Wednesday

The False Dots Live with friends at The Midland Hotel Hendon on Friday March 15th, free admission to celebrate the saving of the pub from demolition.

Be there or be uncircular!


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