Thursday 14 February 2019

Mill Hill Music Complex is 40 years old!

Dav of the False Dots about to record the first song at Mill Hill Music Complex in 1979
Dav, drummer of the False Dots about to record the first ever song at Mill Hill
As you can see from the photo of our first recording session above, it was pretty basic back then. Now we have a purpose built, acoustically tuned live room. Throughout the year, we’ll be organising fun and festivities for our customers and friends.
Tony and Darren in the old shop back in 2001
We’ve tranformed Mill Hill from a musical desert into a centre for musician’s from all over London, the UK and indeed the world. One of the theme tunes for the World Cup in 2010 in South Africa was Africa Moto by Congolese Superstar Mose Fan Fan. Mose travelled all the way to Mill Hill to record the track. We hope to be here for another 40 years, giving the planets finest musicians a home.

Roger Tichborne at the opening of MHMC in 1979

I am currently writing a book detailing the whole story, which will be published later this year. To celebrate, we are hosting a gig at The Midland Hotel on Friday 15th March. Watch this space.....
Here's to another 40 years of amazing music in Mill Hill! Keep on rocking

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