I was recently asked what inspired me to start the tweets of the week and when it began. Oddly enough, it started on the 5th April 2014 as a part of one of my other traditions, Saturday list #60 was The top ten most silly tweets in Barnet this week I had a huge response and many people suggested that it become a regular feature. To start with, it was mostly poking fun at silly local political tweets. I soon realised that this was a rather dull category of Twitter and that if I had a 'no local politics' rule it could actually be a pretty good feature. I have sought to find and highlight great local tweeters and some have become friends over the years. Some weeks it is a joy putting this together and some weeks, a real struggle or not worth the bother, but generally I think it is a pretty damn good little feature. Just doing the research has dug up all sorts of things that I've found fascinating. It has helped a few pretty good accounts reach a wider audience, and I regularly get messages from all sorts of people thanking me for introducing them to some great tweeters. Like all things, there is good and bad on Twitter. My advice is to simply block the bad and enjoy the good. It works for me. Today, I've done a special collection from accounts that are really well worth a follow. To me, these are community accounts that make a difference as well as being interesting and informative.
Anyway, back to this week. Here is our pick of the tasty tweeters of Barnet.
1. If you want to learn about the amazing wildlife of the Totteridge Valley, why not do a guided walk with Samuel Levy, AKA @FInchleyBirder - Zach did it and clearly thoroughly enjoyed it. I'd recommend everyone follow Samuel as his tweets are wonderful
Great @_BTO walk today lead by @FinchleyBirder and @LONYouthBirders around Totteridge Valley. Hobby, plenty of House Martins, Mistle Thrushes, Red Kite, Spotted Flycatchers, 2 Whinchat and Yellow Wagtails the personal highlights. Ebird list here:https://t.co/du6uZyxc1H pic.twitter.com/qUloSTgFMD
— Zach Pannifer (@Zach_Pannifer) August 30, 2021
2. Another must follow account is the Mill Hill Historical society. A brilliant mine of interesting information
Looking to the future rather than the past, @openhouselondon also has:
— Mill Hill Hist Soc (@MHHistSoc) September 3, 2021
Masterplan for the West Hendon re-development (also available the weekend after) https://t.co/RiO3gGIHMH
Kingsbury and Colindale: Re-imagining Suburbia https://t.co/aFQqkaL0N6 pic.twitter.com/G9RAEEz1QA
3 Another must follow account is Mark AMies @Time_NW account, which is always informative and fun. We've been plugging this account since it's first days and it is great to see that it has well over 3,000 followers now. A great source of historical images.
'River Brent at Hendon' - 1908 postcard image.
— NW London TimeMachine (@time_nw) September 3, 2021
But where do you think it is, exactly? pic.twitter.com/tE4RoY8hp1
4. If Transport is your thing, I'd recommend Rob Morel's @13milepost. Rob is the go to man for Network Rail on the Thameslink line (although I'm sure he'd describe himself a bit differently). Usually the best place to find out what is really happening on the railways, but please don't ask him if the 15.29 from Hendon is on time!
Saturday Sunday BH Monday, final track realignment at #BrentCross #Cricklewood Job done 👍🏼 first trains out this morning right time ⏱ #TrackTeam 🚧 #Delivery pic.twitter.com/mCWYTPGEV1
— Robin Morel (@13milepost) August 31, 2021
5. Barnet's Libraries are brilliant. Mine is Mill Hill Library, they have a great twitter account. Please follow your local library
We're half way to our goal. Every penny donated will go directly to Afghan refugees and asylum seekers. It provides for food, education, clothing, sanitary goods, travel support and more. Please help if possible by sharing the link. Thank you https://t.co/05K5nEh7AQ
— Mill Hill Library (@MillHillLibrary) September 4, 2021
6. Another pretty good Mill Hill account is the @InsideMillHill account. Good local info and pictures
Mac Fisheries at 95 The Broadway, Mill Hill. Approx 1955
— Inside Mill Hill (@InsideMillHill) September 1, 2021
Now HC MedSpa @HCMedSpa
Picture captured from Quiet Morning, from the British Film institutehttps://t.co/zbkiyjqNbF pic.twitter.com/fLiTmFURQR
7. We have some brilliant local grassroots sport. Mill Hill Rugby club are one of our favourites. They are the good guys, a truly innovative club which is a key part of our community, make sure you follow your local club!
🟨🟫Victory Mill Hill🟫🟨
— Mill Hill Rugby Club (@MillHillRFC) September 4, 2021
Pre-season friendly has gone our way 55-5.
Big thank you to @southgaterfc - tenacious and great opposition.
Now on to the important part, the bonding 🍻🍻🍻
Thank you sponsors @millhillwines @dayoftheraj @MdsStorage @TanjunMedia #ComeOnMill 💛🤎
8. Of course if you prefer more evenly shaped balls, there is the wonderful Hadley FC, home of the 'Tennis Ball Challenge' and a very fine football team
Congratulations to Rob Gray who today became the first person ever to draw with himself in the half time tennis balls challenge. Both his throws were exactly 22 inches away from the centre spot. pic.twitter.com/rsGeq3D262
— Hadley Bricks (@HadleyBricks) September 4, 2021
9. and we must give a shout out to our local scout and guide groups. They do brilliant work. Although a couple of weeks old, this tweet just shows the amazing stuff they have going on. Make sure you follow and support your local groups
After what felt like forever away, it was great to return camping. Just a small summer camp this time, but an introductory one with so many new faces. Thanks for having us @PaccarScoutCamp!
— 2nd Edgware Scouts (@2ndEdgwareScout) August 25, 2021
📸 Check out all our camp photos: https://t.co/1g2uNdA7FQ pic.twitter.com/qVfBqqEKH2
10 And finally, don't forget our wonderful artists and musicians!
So pleased to be able to programme this show for @BarnetCouncil and @eventumbrella showcasing amazing local talent like @1angiea https://t.co/LXZsTir3oY
— #MillHillMusicComplex (@MillHillMusicCo) September 3, 2021
That's all for this week folks
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