Thursday 12 March 2009

Barnet's page 3 boy should resign

Check page 3 of the Barnet Press this week. Four headlines for 3 Stories.

1.£27m Lost in Iceland should not have even been there

2. Fallout hits the Council leader as rivals proclaim: "The buck stops with him"

3. Councillors vote themselves a pay rise of up to 53%

4. ... while the Audit commission lowers council's rating in providing services

I simply ask this. Does anyone believe that Mike Freer as Leader of Barnet Council has ay credibility left? If you want to know the full story of how Freer discovered that his officials had duped him read this blog by Lib Dem Councillor Duncan MacDonald. The examples of the systemic failure of the Freer regime are coming in so fast and furiously, that I'm starting to get blog fatigue. I've already worn out the "n" key on my laptop!


Amanda said...

I actually do believe he has a lot of credability yes Rog actually!

Unknown said...

And the Lib Dems have done what for Barnet exactly?

Rog T said...

Roads, public sanitation & the viaduct !

Unknown said...

I am not really a blogger and also being a new reader of this Blog I am astonished at its negative nature. The blog comes across as a ‘let us put down and insult politics and Cllr Mike Freer.’

Voter Apathy is an important issue in this country, something taken for granted every year, people not bothering to vote because "they are all the same"... and posts like ones on this and similar blogs are just as bad...

So the positive things Barnet Council have done:

Let’s talk about the achievements:

Road resurfacing - my own road was neglected for 12 years, massive potholes, wobbling kerb stones and uneven pavements. This problem has now been corrected and I have a road with no potholes, no wonky paving slabs and kerb stones in place.

Pot Holes Fixed - as above, Barnet was horrific for potholes, driving round Barnet is part of my job and now it is very rare I come across them and when I do, instead of my emails being ignored - 99% of the time get a response and it is fixed.

Town Centres - The once dilapidated Temple Fortune, Tally Ho and Mill Hill Broadway are now totally different looking places to what they used to be. Rusty benches, litter, pavements with gaps and cracks in them, streetlights not working and so on... now what I see is some improvements being made especially with the new streetlights and it is amazing what a lick of paint does!

Bin collections are still weekly despite the Government wanting them to be every 2 weeks something which is just abhorrent in this day and age.

Plastic and Cardboard is now being recycled (the previous administration always fails to admit they tied the council into a long contract which didnt account for this)

Local parks actually looking like places we want to visit thanks to money being invested in them. Victoria park in Finchley is always looking wonderful when I drive past it in a morning

Less Graffiti - One thing, which always annoyed me, was the amount of graffiti across the Borough of Barnet as a whole; it was embarrassing to drive around with clients. Now I would estimate 90% of it has gone.

And I could go on and on and on.
I am what the political people describe as a floating voter. I am not a member of any political party nor want to be, I don't vote a certain way, I vote for a way which is best for me and this is my view.
I look forward to your response and am not giving my ‘seal of approval’ to any party but I like to praise positive actions of people who care and want to make a difference to our community and borough.

Unknown said...

The have done nothing for the roads!

Rog T said...

Strange that - all 4 comments from the same IP address?

And guess where that IP address lives?

Don't Call Me Dave said...

Yes, the Conservatives have renewed the road surfaces. They borrowed the money to do the work. No problem with that, except some of the loans were taken out for 40 year terms and above. You don’t borrow for 40 years to renew something with a life expectancy of 10/15 years. When the roads are next resurfaced, we will still be paying for the old work. Brilliant!

Crusty said...

Let's see - higher council tax, more borrowings, millions of quid lost in Iceland, one of the lowest rated boroughs when it comes to parents choosing their kid's secondary schools, a censored "leader listens" blog and a fat toad for Mayor who is a professional expenses spender?

Can the Tories please hand back the Council to the previous Lab/Lib coalition and apologise for the total mess they have made of Barnet?

Don't Call Me Dave said...


We don’t need a restoration of the LibLab pact. What we need is the proper Conservative council that the people voted for.

Rog T said...

I'd like a Lib/Lab pact, but I'd settle for a few competent Tories till the next election !