Friday, 30 July 2010

Brent Cross Redevelopment - Were we spun a porkie on Tuesday?

I attended the Hendon Residents forum on Tuesday night. The subject of the Brent Cross redevelopment came up. Why was the meeting hurriedly announced. Barnet planning officer Martin Cowie told us that the discussion on Thursday was only to allow more time for the proposals to be fully fleshed out, which is a legal requirement. Nothing was being approved. At least that's what I thought was said. Then I read this

Here it says that the whole thing has been approved and that Martin Cowie has the power to order section 106 benefits. I must apologise for not listening properly. If anyone was there who could confirm whether I just got the total wrong end of the stick or whether Martin Cowie has spun a complete porkie, I'd be really grateful. I'm going to email John Hart and ask him what he thought had been said, as he's the chairman.


baarnett said...

My Ham and High (I use it to wrap my chips, you understand) this week says:

A spokeswoman for Barnet Council said:

"A further planning meeting is necessary to extend the time allowed to finalise and agree details of the Section 106, and issue planning permission."

I'm not sure if that clarifies the situation.

It doesn't really, does it?

baarnett said...

Got it!

Starting from the council's main web page, I have drilled down, and I assume the motion passed is shown on:

(When I copy that into Internet Explorer, the lights dim, and gears whirl for a long time. If you only get to page "1", then put "123" as the page number. Barnet being Barnet, the page number at the bottom actually says "120".)

My summary of that page (and I do not know if all this was passed) is:

Part 1: Assistant Director can now grant the planning permission.

Part 2: Councillors agree that there have been no changes of circumstances due to new guidance from the Brokeback Coalition.

Part 3: Councillors agree with the Section 106 provisions, which are not finalised though. There are other bits, but my brain is full.

Moaneybat said...

Martin Cowie,

A Man for All Reasons!