Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Barnet Tory Councillors fail the people who elected them

Lets talk Mill Hill first.

J'accuse Councillors John Hart, Brian Schama and Sury Khatri. The people of Mill Hill elected you to represent them. They expected you to cut waste in Barnet Council. Thats what your manifesto promised. Last night you voted for huge increases in allowances for your chums in the cabinet, some up to 100%. This at a time when public spending is being hammered. You have lost any moral authority you may have had. You have undermined any argument that may be made to the trades unions that cuts are needed.

In short you are a complete disgrace and should resign. Of course you wont. You get your bunce as well. I stood against you, for the Lib Dems, specifically to oopose this sort of disgusting troughing. I lost the election, but I believe you have committed fraud against the people of Mill Hill. Where in your manifesto did you say "We will give ourselves massive payrises". This is virtually the first act of the new administration. I was prepared to give you a chance to prove yourself. You are a disgrace.

As to Council Leader Lynne Hillan. She has shown herself completely unfit for the job. Doesn't she read the papers. The school rebuilding program in Barnet has been savagely cut by the new government, but she's all right jack. As to Brian Coleman - his allowances for a string of part time non jobs has risen to over £130,000 a year.

You may think you've won the battle for a pay rise, all you've won is round one. I will do everything I can to ensure you lose the war.


baarnett said...

Well said.#

Oh. to have been a fly on the wall of the Tory Group meeting, preceding the event.

Presumably there was opposition from only one person (Councillor Salinger) even in private.

Don't Call Me Dave said...

baarnett, there was more opposition at the Group meeting from other councillors, but ultimately they were too spineless to stand up to Coleman. They should all be expelled from the Conservative Party.

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