Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Trainspotting, First Crapital Connect Style

Tens of thousands of us use First Capital Connect to go to work every day. For most of us, the number on the front of the train is not something we take much notice of. As one of the victims of this awful company, I've become aware of the importance of taking note of these. Why, you may ask yourself?

Well it seems there are two types of train on our route. There's the old crap ones (known as 319's) and now there's the new crap ones (known as 377's). Now for those of you not too interested in such things, what is the big difference? Well the old crap ones (319's - got that) have got no air conditioning and so when it's really hot (ie now) they can be quite uncomfortable. When they go into sardine mode, there is a mad scramble to open windows. If the windows are open, then once the train gets moving, there is a bit of air circulation and it is just about bearable.

Now the new crap trains (the 377's) are fully airconditioned. Of course this is fantastic on days such as today. A scantily clad hostess serves you ice cold G&T's at your seats as you thunder in climate controlled luxury into London. Then you wake up, because the aircon has packed up/ not been switched on. You are boiling to death, there's no window to open and no scantily clad hostess serving G&T's.

You can see evidence of this scenario here on the latest FCC Q&A - question 84 where they admit that the A/C is systematically being accidentally turned off :-

Would it have been that hard to have fitted thermostats to alert the driver if the carriages were getting too hot and to train them to switch the A/C back on.

Now it seems that when it does work, it can have the opposite effect, actually being to cold for comfort - check question 104 & the answer from their latest "meet the management" session -

So my advice to you. If the train looks packed to standing, check the number on the front. If it says "377" remember that you could get well and truly roasted or frozen. Luckily for me, Mill Hill Broadway is designated to only be served by the old crap trains. That suits me fine, judging by the accounts I've read.

Strangely enough, on the FCC website they have a page specially dedicated to all of their trains :-

Rather oddly, they don't mention the new crap trains (the 377's - got that) at all? I wonder why? Could it be they are a bit ashamed?

1 comment:

ainelivia said...

"First Crapital Connect", love it, you should take out copyright on that Rog (-;;