Thursday 7 April 2011

Barnet Council : Big Brother strikes again

Would someone from Barnet Council be so kind as to inform me WTF is going on. It seems that I have been struck by the same problem as local blogger, Mrs Angry. For some rather strange reason, when I email  Labour Councillors they don't receive the emails. Is this down to a strange technical glitch or is it part of a more sinister agenda? I don't know, but I do know this. If it turns out out that Barnet Council have interfered with my democratic rights, I will be contacting a rather sharp suited lawyer and Barnet will be very deep in doo doo.


LBB said...


Try setting up a completely new email address (Gmail, Hotmail, etc)and see if that gets through. If it does you know that your normal email address may have been blocked...

Mrs Angry said...

There is far more to this story, LBB, than we can say here, but the London Borough of Broken Barnet,or any other interested parties, can rest assured that a full, oh what was the word, Rog? .... Oh yes: 'audit' will be taking place by the appropriate authorities.

Moaneybat said...

Apart from a handful -- yes handful, When have the new Barnet Labour Group or todays Middleband Middle class Labour Group ever responded to an e-mail? ... but we don't have see those chancers hijack the community marches and demos.