Wednesday 20 April 2011

Barnet Council Outsourcing : Another major Barnet Cock Up

Barnet Council double debited (ie charged Taxpayers twice for their Council Tax).

This happened because the IT supplier to Barnet Council forced them to change the system they run their Council Tax billing on, which worked perfectly well, to a  different system.

Councillor Daniel Thomas said the following
"They obviously have my sincere apologies, and we’ll make sure there is no financial cost to any residents as a result of this"

So what will he do for the resident who contacted me and said they had filled their car up with petrol, their card was declined as they were overdrawn and they had to call their wife to bring another card out, otherwise the garage were going to call the police? I'm sure Councillor Thomas will be keen to apologise to him

This is Easycouncil in action. Does a week go by without a scandal involving Barnet Council outsourcing?

1 comment:

baarnett said...

And YET AGAIN, Barnet Council makes it into the "Evening Standard".