Tuesday 12 April 2011

Barnet Council : Nick Walkley and the art of complete Bollocks

So what have Eric Pickles and the Prime Minister David Cameron got to do with the CEO of Barnet Council being named the 18th most important Londoner?

First check this link (if your computer lets you !)

Guess who sponsors the award? BT (who stand to make lots of money from Outsourcing contracts with Barnet Council). Guess who was one of the Judges? Max Wide, who was on secondment from BT to work for Walkley in Barnet. I rather suspect that Walkley should be much higher than 18. After the Metpro Scandal, where Barnet paid £1.2 million to a security company which was operating illegally (Barnet hadn't bothered to check their accreditation) I expect the Government to do a wholesale review of how Councils manage contracts. That will be Mr Walkleys real legacy. Not the one he wanted though.

Here is some advanced warning.  The bloggers of Barnet have managed this in a co-ordinated campaign. First we raised awareness with local activists and blogs on the left and right who believe in honest and open government. Then we raised awareness of the press, to ensure maximum possible coverage.

The next phase which will start this weekend (if not before) is concerted effort to raise awareness of the Governement. This will be done via Eric Pickles and with a letter to David Cameron, handed in personally. Oh and we'll drop in on Nick Clegg on the way so he doesn't feel left out.

If they do nothing then the world will know that they are not interested in honesty, openness and proper administration. I want Barnet Council to be the last Council in the UK to behave in such a shoddy manner.

1 comment:

baarnett said...

Allowancegate, then Securitygate, now Walkleygate...