Monday 25 April 2011

Barnet Eye Exclusive : Brian Colemans PR Guru named !!!!!

You all may have noticed that this blog has been relatively quiet on the Barnet Council front recently. This is because Rog T is happy to announce that he has a new job in the runup to the GLA elections. He has appointed himself as Brian Colemans PR Guru. As everyone knows, Brian Coleman is addicted to publicity. He likes nothing better than a big scandal with him in the middle (apart from a big buffet with him in the middle - you've heard of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, we have Brian the Buffet Slayer).

Anyway with the election looming next year, this blog has donated itself free of charge to Mr Coleman and we will ensure all of the top gossip, scandals and tittle tattle are brought to you.

VickiM57 reports that our Brian has appointed a paid PR guru. My advice to Brian is this. Sack them immediately.  Anyone who thinks having "Brian Colemans PR guru" on their CV is clearly the last PR guru any sane person would need. I trust they haven't realised that Brian, shall we say, has some blue touch paper sticking out of an orafice and we have a rather big box of matches. I doubt all the PR advice in the world will stop Brian when he decides it's time to look  like an arse.

I do have some free advice for Brian Coleman though.

1) Move out of the subsidised charity flat, meant for people with limited income
2)  Cut the free taxi's and sponging
3) Apologise to the British Olympic team for your slurs
4) Stop insulting residents at every opportunity
5) Stop insulting Londons brave firemen and apologise for past form

The reason I say these things is because, as your free PR Guru, if you don't, there is going to be a concerted effort to make sure every voter in Barnet and Camden knows all about exactly what you are like as a human being.

And one last reminder - remember that for most other people, charity is about giving money or time free of charge, not turning up to events and eating buffets.


baarnett said...

We must keep an eye on PR Week, to see if the PR agency makes itself know.

What a brief! It's a bit like Gengis Khan or Ivan the Terrible asking for a friendly, family-centred image, and putting all the nasty stuff behind him.

Mrs Angry said...

if you want to know more about Brian's alleged spin doctor, nip over to Broken Barnet, the blog that brings you all you need to know, later today ...