Monday 4 April 2011

Today a Gurkha broke my tooth !

Saw into a Nepali mate of mine today. He's just back from a holiday seeing rellies in Kathmandu. He bought me a couple of presents. A copy of the Himalayan with a cart being towed by a couple of goats (don't ask why) and a bag of the local delicacy. This is dried fermented Yaks cheese. Go on have one he said. Not wishing to seem ungrateful for his kind gift, I discovered something new about the Gurkhas. Even there confectionary is well hard. I now have a broken tooth and he had a damn good laugh.

(note : Spellings duly corrected and apologies for dyslexia)


Albert said...

It's Gurkhas - and take my advice (a) do not try to drink a Gurkha under the table - it can't be done and (b) UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES sample Ye Olde Earl Genuine Scotch Whisky from the Nepal Distillery Company (as the label says, Glasgow, London, Kathmandu). The rum is very good, by the way

baarnett said...

I thought this was going to be a story about Hampstead Garden Suburb! According to today's Evening Standard, Gurkhas are being recruited to "house-sit" in the area, to keep out squatters. (Maybe they will stop domestic staff parking on Brian Coleman's CPZ lines as well.)

Of course, there are less established and shadier parts of the private security industry that we could put house-owners in touch with. Now, what companies can we think of...

Unknown said...

So funny story you had here. I think you need to adjust while living with Asian people.