Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Barnet Unison public meeting today to oppose cuts and outsourcing

UNISON is looking to support a grassroots campaign for public services across the London Borough of Barnet.They have organised a public meeting tonight, 26th November at the Greek Cypriot centre in North FInchley (see details below).

They have organised speakers on Libraries, Social Care, Schools, and Housing. These speakers will be explaining the campaign to residents and Council staff who want to join the different campaigns taking place across Barnet opposing the cuts and outsourcing agenda of the highly ideolically hard right Conservative Council.

Barnet Council have announced five outsourcing decisions which will mean up to 81 % of the workforce outsourced including social work in Adults. What the Council are proposing is unprecedented in Local Government. This is likely to lead to a rapid decline in services for the most vulnerable people in the Borough. The council are also seeking to close six libraries and massively reduce the quality of services in the remaining ones. A trip to any Barnet library will reveal empty shelves and ever lowering stocks of books. What sort of Council thinks making people have less access to educational materials is investing in the future?

Please come along to this meeting if you are interested in supporting the campaign.

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