Last night myself and Labour
councillors called for action to improve the poor standard of Thameslink
services in Barnet. This was rejected by all Conservative councillors.
In my motion to last night's
Environment Committee, I raised issues including the imminent closure of ticket offices at New Barnet, Cricklewood
and Mill Hill Broadway, four carriage trains running
at rush hour and step free access at Mill Hill Broadway, as well as other
issues, and asked the Conservative run council administration to support my
call for improvement by writing to train operator, Govia, and the Secretary of
State for Transport.
The Conservative councillors
all voted against this motion to improve the worst rail service in the country, rated 26 out of 26 by the
National Rail Passenger Survey. Sadly when I asked Mill Hill
councillor John Hart, who I know is all too aware of the problem, to respond,
he stated that it is his right not to respond to my question… Take from that
what you will.
My motion was simple, it said
surveys have shown that Thameslink and Great Northern, which operate rail
services through Barnet, are among the most unpopular railway lines in the
country with some of the highest levels of delays and cancellations. In addition
to this, Govia has recently announced a consultation on the future of its
ticket office operations at Mill Hill Broadway, Cricklewood and New Barnet
stations, with a view towards a closure of those offices. I therefore call:
On the Committee to write to the train operator, Govia Thameslink Railway, to
demand improvements and to invite a representative to attend an Environment
Committee meeting.
I also call on the Committee to write to the Department of Transport urging
them to speed up the planned transfer of London’s suburban rail services to
Transport for London.
That the committee resolve that the London Borough of Barnet are against all
ticket office closures or reduction in operating hours of those services, and
that the Chair of this committee and Leader of the Council will make these
representations to Govia Thameslink Railway on behalf of the authority.
On the Chair of the Committee to write to the Department for Transport, TfL and
Govia Thameslink Railway to state this authority’s view that Cricklewood and
Hendon Thameslink stations be upgraded at the earliest possible opportunity to
allow for 12 car trains to stop and alight at the stations to secure their long
term viability and to ensure the best possible service for the residents of our
For this committee to back the local campaign for Step Free Access at Mill Hill
Broadway station by writing to the Secretary of State for Transport calling for
Mill Hill Broadway to be added to the next list of works for step free access
and also refer this to the planning department to secure any financial
contributions for such access from the dozens of developers building in the
borough who are currently being left off the hook by this borough.
For the Chair of the Committee to write to Govia Thameslink Railway, copying in
the Secretary of State for Transport and the Mayor of London stating that this
committee believes that it is completely unacceptable for four car trains to be
running and servicing stations in Barnet during peak hours of operation. Such
operations reduce the productivity of London and does our city a disservice.
For the London Borough of Barnet to send a copy of these resolutions to the
Department for Transport asking for penalty’s and fines to be issued against
Govia Thameslink Railway should they fail to adequately resolve these issues.
As a daily user of the
Thameslink service myself I know how shocking it is. This service runs
through our backyard and for many is the primary mode of transport for their
commute. The infrequency of the trains, the daily delays, the cattle train
squish. It cannot be safe to have so many people crammed into such a small
My ask of the Tories was
simple. Do they aspire for the highest quality transport service for our
residents or are they on the side of the worst rail franchise operator in the
country which is making millions in profit on the back of our resident’s daily
misery? They failed to adequately answer my seven simple asks and I am certain
that other users of the service will be appalled.
council have now missed the chance to take part in the consultation to save our
ticket offices but it is not too late for the public. I urge all users of the
service to fill in the consultation before the deadline of 13th March at
also to write to your Conservative councillor asking them to support the seven
simple asks.
Councillor for West Hendon ward
Councillor Adam Langleben is a regular user of Thameslink. Guest blogs are always welcome at The Barnet Eye.
Ed Note.
The most imminent thing is asking people to fill in the
consultation on ticket office closures. Deadline is 13th March. http://www.rmt.org.uk/campaigns/rail/keep-ticket-offices-open-govia/
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