Sunday 1 October 2017

The Tweets of the week in the London Of Barnet - 1/10/2017

It's that time again. The most popular weekly feature! Don't forget to follow any local Tweeters who tickle your fancy.

1. We start with some more info about a rail scheme that could transform West London, linking Brent Cross to HS2

2.Interested in volunteering? Check this out

3.The Barnet Eye broke the news about this. Now the Brent Green party have picked it up. Residents are objecting to huge aggregates depot in Cricklewood

4.Save the date! East Finchley Arts festival

5.Nice tweet from Barnet Police

6.Great pictures of local flora and fauna from one of our regulars!

7.And a handsome fox in Finchley

8. Great historical picture from Barnet picture library

9.Looks like the Women in Business group had fun at Cafe Buzz this week

10. Many Happy returns to our near neighbours, the iconic Elstree Studios!

That's all, have  a great week!

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