Sunday 29 January 2023

The tweets of the week in the London Borough of Barnet - 29th January 2023

 An interesting week for me. On Monday, we went to see Ruby Turner at Ronnie Scotts, which was a wonderful evening. Wednesday had a pretty good rehearsal with The False Dots and yesterday I saw an absolutely cracking game of football at Hadley, where they narrowly lost to Berkhampstead FC, the league leaders. You won't see a better game of football anywhere this weekend. After the fun at the footie, it was off to The Dublin Castle to see my old mate Rick Collins performing with Jock McDonnell in the Bollock Brothers.

So that was enough of my week, what have the tweeters of Barnet been up to?

1. IF you are wondering if beer is better than football, the answer is clear, Beer + Football is best!

2. Struggling with bills to keep warm. Well done to St Pauls for this initiative

3. Gotta love this tweet!

4. A nice post from Grahame Park

5. Can you help?

6. Our old friend Donald is well known for showing off his marrows and courgettes. Now he's putting his sausages on display!

7. A date for your diary

8. I love this tweet. Is this true or an urban myth?

9. Got any spooky spots you want to share

10. Calling all local musicians. Wanna play Glastonbury

That's all folks

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