Tuesday 19 November 2013

Hendon Constituency Special - Meet your local MP Matthew Offord

Are you a resident of the Hendon Constituency? If you are, your local MP Matthew Offord would love to meet you. He wants to hear your concerns. He has organised a meeting on Friday and the Barnet Eye is keen to ensure that he gets a full house. Please come down if you have not made other arrangements.

Topics which I'd suggest people may want to discuss with Matthew.

1. Gay marriage. Mr Offord is a staunch opponent. I'm sure that if you support his opposition he'd love to hear from you. Then again, if you don't agree with Matthew, I am sure he'd be interested to hear from you.

2. One Barnet. Matthew was the deputy leader of the council when One Barnet was dreamed up.  As your MP and a senior member of the Conservative Party, I am sure he'd love to hear your views.

3.  Human rights for dogs. Matthew has been on National TV proposing a human rights charter for dogs, following a ban on his faithful friend Maximus the Jack Russell. We hope Max will be joining him on Friday. The Barnet Eye is a keen fan of doggies.

4. Cheese shops. The one pledge Matthew Offord made to residents prior to his election was that he'd love to see Mill Hill Broadway become the type of place where ambitious businessmen would open cheese shops. Three years after his election, we still have no cheese shops. If you like cheese, come along and ask Matthew where his cheese shop is.

5. First Capital Connect. Matthew is chair of the Parliamentary Transport committee responsible for First Capital Connect. Do you think FCC are providing a good service? Tell Matthew what you think.

6. Soup recommendations. Matthew was famously mistaken for a soup waiter at the House of Commons by David Cameron shortly after he arrived. Matthew was so proud of this that he tweeted it! Come along and ask him which soup he'd recommend.

7. Responsible Drinking. Matthew is a big advocate of responsible drinking. Drunks can be a public hazard and we are keen to hear what Matthew is doing to address this problem in Hendon.

8. Assaults on women. One of Matthews former party colleagues and mentor was convicted earlier this year for assualting a woman in North Finchley. We'd be keen to hear from Matthew what he plans to do to help eradicate such awful behaviour.

Of course, we are sure that Hendon residents have a whole range of issues that they may want to discuss with Matthew. He doesn't come out to play very often (except when there is an election in the offing) so don't waste the chance.


Partygirl said...

Well done Matthew, great choice of night for your Jewish residents. Or hadnt you realised - Friday night is Sabbath. Marvellous for an MP in the most Jewish Borough in London!

Anonymous said...


Don't you know Mathew publishes his very own Jewish Parliamentary Journal so he probably considers he does not need to see us Jewish Residents. Personally I think he should also publish one for the Christians and Muslims and every other religion represented in his constituency. He chooses not to post these Journals on his website or at least last time I looked. As every Tory will tell you it's the Jewish vote that counts...Well Matthew don't count on mine.