What better way to tell the story of the week than in tweets.
1. A couple of weeks before the election, Dan Thomas, Tory GLA candidate for Barnet and Camden told us that he didn't hassle people on their doorsteps!
2. But then Dan seemed to change his mind when the going got tough!
3. And we can always rely on the last Tory to hold the GLA job to upset a few people. Here's a little exchange that is just one of many between Brian Coleman and the fine peope from the City of Liverpool!
Peter Keegan
8. We now await the tweet from Rohit berating our local MP Matthew Offord for his unparliamentary language in an outburst at a local fireman
9. Of course the Fire Brigades Union is rightly outraged!

10. But perhaps the most appalling story of all from our Tory masters in the Town Hall is how they have cancelled the Freedom Passes of young disabled people, not telling them. As a result several have been kicked off buses, tubes etc. The Standard have picked up the story and in the awful week for Barnet Tories, we hear that National TV are looking into it. It really gives me no pleasure in breaking stories like this, but if it wasn't for the Barnet Bloggers, this story would never have seen the light of day! This blog broke the story and fantastic work by my fellow blogger Mrs Angry has ensured that the world knows about it. The Barnet Bloggers have always collaborated on stories and tried to use our individual skills to get results. So here are a few of our tweets on this appaling story
I got the Ball rolling
Mrs Angry put the boot in where it hurt.
Huge number of hits already on this post about Barnet/Capita's 'renewal' of disabled Freedom Passes: now updated - http://wwwbrokenbarnet.blogspot.co.uk/2016/04/freedoms-just-another-word-disabled.html …
The Local Papers got on the case
and now the big boys have joined in
I have known Siobhan Fairclough and her family for many years, her Dad was a buddy of my father and there is no finer family in the parish. It is truly scandalous that they have had to be put through this. Barnet needs its elected representatives to stand up for them, not to shaft them at every turn. I was asked last week if I was an obsessive and if I had nothing better to do than write blogs, by a Tory canvasser. I said I would give him my answer today in my blog, after the election.
No I am not obsessive. I do this because someone has to and it has to be done. I hate having to get on the case. I'd rather be playing guitar, watching football and drinking beer. But have I nothing better to do? Well I believe that there is nothing more important than standing up for people who are not in a position to do so for themselves. In Siobhan Faircloughs case, she is perfectly capable of standing up for her daughter. She just needed some help from us to get the ball rolling. I have this message to our local Conservatives and Labour Politicians. I will continue to write blogs until our councillors, MP's, GLA reps and Mayor start serving the people as they should. They all get paid a wage, they shouldn't need bloggers to chase them. Now I will watch some footie and crack open a beer. Normal service will be resumed tomorrow.
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