Monday 9 April 2018

Barnet Council Candidates announced for Mill Hill and Hale wards

On the third of May, there will be an election held, to choose new councillors to represent the two NW7 wards (Mill Hill and Hale) in the Barnet Council chamber. Whilst local elections sometimes lack the glamour and excitement of the General Election, councillors can actually get far more done in your neighbourhood than your MP. The council fixes potholes, handles school admissions, runs adult social care, maintains parks and pavements, makes sure the street lights work and controls local planning matters.  They organise refuse collection and collection of council tax. They distribute benefits such as housing benefits. If you have to sort out any of these issues, then you have to deal with the council or their chosen contractors.

The list of candidates has been announced. Here is the list for Mill Hill ward (Roughly NW7 postcodes east of the M1 to Apex Corner, and East of the A1 and South of Marsh Lane North of Apex).

And here is the list for Hale ward

The team from A Better Mill Hill of Donna, Richard and Roger are proud to be representing the Liberal Democrats in Mill Hill. We are local people, with a long association with Mill Hill. We will represent your concerns with passion and vigour if we are given the honour of your votes and elected. James, Michael and Geoff in Hale are also excellent candidates with a long association with the area.

Don't forget that you get three votes. If you want to see your potholes fixed, money from the Barnet Council community fund, paid by developers when submitting planning applications, used to provide more GP places, if you want serious action and sensible policies to ensure that the burglary epidemic in Mill Hill is addressed by the Police then make sure that you vote for our team on May 3rd.

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