Sunday 17 July 2022

The Tweets of the week in the London Borough of Barnet - 17th July 2022

 We had a break from the Tweets of the Week last week. The country was going Boris Bonkers and there was genuinely not enough interesting tweets to make a list. It happens occasionally when everyone is obsessing on a single subject. This week, all of that pent up wonderfulness has been released! This weeks selection has been pretty good. 

As to my week, it has been wonderful so far. Tuesday night, a great local football derby between Edgware Town and Hadley, Thursday I saw Reggae Legend Eek-A-Mouse at the Jazz Cafe, Friday it was Mill Hill legends The Polecats in Harrow and last night we went to see Jerusalem with Mark Rylance at the Prince of Wales Theatre on Shaftesbury Avenue, which was wondeful and reminded me of my misspent youth! Here’s a taste of Eek a Mouse

Anyway enough of that, here's my selection. 

1. Lets start with a very nostalgic trip on the Midland Mainline through Cricklewood, Hendon and Mill Hill in 1960 on one of the then brand new Diesel Multiple Units. I always thought of these as smelly, clapped out, ready for the scrapyard trains, it's easy to forget that todays scrapper is yesterdays leading edge! Tweets like this are the reason I've not ditched Twitter years ago. If you can filter out the rubbish it is rather wonderful

2. This week's big shout out is for the Welsh Harpies. I love the fact that there is a "bomb crater pond" at the Welsh Harp. Would love to learn more about this, when did the bomb land?

3. I'm endebted to HowMichael for reminding me of the Capital Ring walk. Maybe I will do this one day, but not this week! It's too hot - More here

4. Well done to the Phoenix. We need more of this! Showcases for local talents

5. If you want to get listed, posting pictures taken at the back of my house is a good way. My garden is visible in these (if you know where to look). I have fond memories of the Bridge installation in 1966(?) being loaded by a massive crane. I watched it with my Mum's Auntie Mary, who had  come down from Oldham, I was probably four years old. I thought the M1 was super duper!

6. A Mill Hill Landmark returns from his holidays. St Joseph has come home. St Joseph is a very suitable saint for Mill Hill, because although he is revered by Christians, he was never one himself, remaining Jewish. I do wonder if like most Dad's he'd get frustrated with his son "Come on Jesus, stop praying and do the washing up and tidy your room". His statue on St Josephs is loved by all in Mill Hill. I'd love to see them illuniate it, as they did during the millenium year.

7. Some wonderful pictures from one of the Borough of Barnets best tweeters. 

8. Commuting on Thameslink? This may be of interest. Robin is the Network Rail top dog for our local bit of line

9. A great Dad joke from the Childs Hill Police. this is proper public service tweeting

10. Don't you think this looks great?

That's all folks!

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