Wednesday 10 July 2024

Royal Mail blows a massive hole in Sir Keir Starmer's green credentials

 We've been told for the last dozen or so years that electric transport is the way forward. Those of us with what are deemed polluting vehicles have been taxed until the pips squeak! We are told that electric vehicles are the way forward. we are told to get rid of our gas guzzlers and get the train as that is the clean way to go. Well it seems that there is one rule for us and quite another for the rich multinational's that run the country and can buy influence. This morning, I saw this tweet

A Royal Mail Electric Train

Less than a week after Labour won a landslide and promised us a brighter, greener future than the Tories, Royal Mail, who are one of the largest movers of freight in the UK have announced they are ceasing all rail operations and moving everything by road from the 10th October. According to the press release, this has nothing to do with the quality of  the existing arrangements. It is all to do with the high cost of using rail to move freight. This in part is due to the high cost of electricty for electric trains. It also seems that the cost of a new fleet of trains played a part. There was a huge story recently about the UK risking losing it's train building capacity due to lack of demand for new trains. This will cause massive damage to the UK's long term ability to compete.  

The whole UK energy market is in chaos. High prices have delivered massive profits for oil and gas companies, hikes in electricity prices have forced DB rail to scrap electric locomotives. Whilst governments speak in glowing platitudes about electric powered travel, the reality is that the UK's energy policy are the  shareholders in polluting energy companies. The Royal Mail was privatised, meaning that every decision is made purely for the benefit of shareholders and if ecologically sound rail travel is more expensive than diesel powered lorries, then they will use lorries. They will not invest long term in a new fleet of trains. They will not give  a stuff about the environmental or social impact of their policies.

It is 100% clear that this is an almighty mess. It is a chance for Sir Keir Starmer to show he means business. Operators of electric trains should be able to procure electricity on long term deals at cheap prices that make rail cheaper than equivalent road routes, where capacity exists. Companies such as Royal Mail should be able to secure grants or cheap, long term loans, to build trains, so long as they are built in the UK. This would help maintain our industry. Labour should be making it cheaper and easier to get Lorries off the road. As heavy vehicles wear roads out quicker and slow traffic down, there would be a huge benefit for car drivers. Less congestion on the roads. I am not anti road freight. It is necessary to supply our shops, and other businesses. But where rail is appropriate, it should be the cheapest option and it should use electric traction. 

The new Labour government has a challenge in its first week. Lets see how they rise to it. 

1 comment:

Fraser said...

Trouble with all electric-powered trains is that the electricity is supplied by Network Rail, who no doubt at a substantial percentage onto the bill from the power companies. Of course there is the cost of maintaining the overhead power supply equipment, which I don't think is part of the track access charges.
Howevr in point of fact, Royal Mail reduced their use of rail considerably some time ago, and only a small percentage of mail is carried by rail, it is virtually all now on road or air. I believe air is to also be withdrawn as well.