Friday 4 December 2009

Matthew Offord political career and the assassins stiletto blade?

Here's an interesting thought. Over the last couple of days, this blog has highlighted a couple of press releases which make the Conservative parliamentary candidate for Hendon, Matthew Offord (AKA Captain Useless) look rather silly. As I was sitting contemplating the bottom of my glass, a strange thought entered my head.

When Matthew was selected for the seat, it looked pretty rock solid and unwinnable for the Tories. As Gordon Browns regime rating have sunk and Hendon has become more winnable, it has become a juicier plum. Is there someone out there in the Barnet Council communications department who could be deliberately rustling up dodgy press releases for Matthew Offord that will attract derision? Is someone out there trying to nobble him?

Could it possibly be that someone who helps put the Councils PR together has aspirations of becoming an MP? Is there someone there with a history of Political assassination? If I was Matthew Offord, I'd be very wary. Matthew, you should triple check everything from now on which goes out with your name on. Matthew, I'm just making a wild guess here, but I think someone is after your job.

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