Tuesday 8 March 2011

The closure of Canada Villa

Says it more eloquently than I could.


I wrote to Cllr's Hillan and Harper. Here's our exchange from last October. Need I say more

I feel disgusted and betrayed

----- Original Message -----
To: Roger Tichborne
Cc: Gee,Lloyd; Hillan, Cllr Lynne Conservative
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: Rithmyk youth music project at Canada Villa, Mill Hill

Dear Mr Tichborne,

Thank you for giving us the benefit of your views. You mention the desirability of taking a long term view and indeed, you're right. I am currently in the process of taking a long term view of youth service provision as a whole in Barnet, bearing in mind what is likely to be affordable.

Kind regards

Cllr Andrew Harper

Member for Garden Suburb Ward
Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Education, Children and Families
London Borough of Barnet

From: Roger Tichborne
To: Hillan, Cllr Lynne Conservative; Harper, Cllr Andrew Conservative
Cc: Gee, Lloyd
Sent: Thu Oct 14 19:24:41 2010
Subject: Rithmyk youth music project at Canada Villa, Mill Hill

Dear Councillors Hillan and Harper,
I am writing to you concerning the Rithmyk Youth Music project based at Canada Villa, run by Lloyd Gee of Barnet Youth Services. I have heard rumours that this facility has been targeted for funding cuts or even closure. As you may know, I run Mill Hill Music Complex, which is a music studio facility, down the road from Rithmyk. As a result of my long term involvement with the music industry in Barnet, I am writing to stress how important facilities such as Rithmyk are in engaging young people in music making activities. Many young people who couldn't afford access to commercial facilities such as my studios are able to make creative music at Rithmyk during the drop in sessions. A commercial recordings setup such as we provide costs upwarsds of £25 per hour to rent, which is totally outside the buying power of young people attracted by Rithmyk. A Mac based Logic 9 setup would cost approx £3,000 by the time all required soundcards etc are bought. For commercial facilities such as my business to thrive and prosper, it is vital that youngsters are encouraged to engage in music. We are starting to see the fruits of having the Rithmyk project locally with a 23% upsurge in recording studio bookings this year, mostly from young urban artists.
Whilst it is true that our Youth Music funded Sound Skool project also provides tuition facilities locally for young people, we cannot hope to provide anywhere near enough capacity for all of the young people in the area with our scant £30,000 funding. We are only in a position to provide training for 45 young people per year with this money and we are currently booked up, with a  huge waiting list. As such it would be a cruel abandonment of creative young people if any cuts were made to Barnet Rithmyk project or its budget.
I recently visited Lloyd Gee at the Rithmyk project and was most impressed by the facilities on offer. I believe that in the long term, it will be far more cost effective to increase the budget and service provision at Canada Villa, rather than cutting it back. Many of the young people who currently attend will have no outlet for their creative talents and some will divert their energies into drugs and crime. As the owner of a studio who helped launch the careers of Brit Award Winners Amy WInehouse and Kate Nash, both of whom have become internationally successful (delivering income to UK PLC), I can only ask that Barnet takes a long term view of funding for such projects.

Roger Tichborne


baarnett said...

No-one, from any part of the political spectrum, would be impressed by the wisdom, sophisticated thinking, intellect, or humanity of the Great Deputy Leader, would they?

Mrs Angry said...

Here is a classic case of where the Big Society nonsense is proved to be a great big con. Projects like these are preventative endeavours, engaging young people in positive, creative activities. Without such ventures, more and more will end up getting into trouble, causing ASB, - and greater expense to the tax payer. Short sighted, idiotic: Barnet Tory policy at its most typical.

Jaybird said...

Can I suggest that the cut is posted on http://voluntarysectorcuts.org.uk/

This is a great shame Rog.

baarnett said...

I see in today's Telegraph that:

"Domestic chickens display signs of empathy, the ability to 'feel another's pain' that is at the heart of compassion, a study has found."

That is an evolutionary advance on the Barnet Cabinet.

Jaybird said...

As a former chicken keeper I am amazed at that Baarnett. I have seen my chooks viciously hen-peck any bird they saw as an outsider. Sorry, nothing to do with the original post..

baarnett said...

Jaybird - that's spooky.

"viciously hen-pecking any they saw as an outsider"

rather describes the Conservative Group's elections last summer.

Stats for Lefties said...

Just checked up on this awful news with the youth centre themselves.

They say no, it isn't closing at all.

See my blog post here for more: http://elliotbarnetmyb.blogspot.com/2011/03/canada-villa-youth-centre-closing-nope.html

Rog T said...


A youth centre without the people to provide the proper activities is not a youth centre it is a building. What will happen is the usage will drop off and then they will say it's not well used and shut it.

Stats for Lefties said...

I don't know about that, which is why I'm still asking at the youth board tomorrow about the staffing of it. It would be utterly pointless to have a centre without the staff it needs, I agree.

But the headline of that article is needlessly dramatic, considering it's not closing.

Rog T said...


If I were you, I'd write to the Leader of the Council, Lynne Hillan and ask her to state that Canada Villa is not earmarked for closure before saying the headline is inflammatory. Sadly, as many staff in Barnet will attest to, they are the last to know.

I'd advise that you check the budget (2011 - 2014) and see how much is allocated for youth services. You may change your opinion then.