It seems that this is beyond Barnet Council and Capita. It is a basic premise of IT that when you design a change, you test it and make sure it works, before you inflict the change on the general public. It is pretty clear to me that Capita and Barnet Council can't be bothered.
Let me explain what is happening. To get the licence, I go to the Licences menu, which is this page

click the link for alchohol and events notices and hey presto - This is what I get.

Not only is this highly inconvenient, but when you try and ring the council on the number given on their contact page for licensing, there is no option given for licensing queries.

I don't suppose it occurs to the council that people may actually need to use these services, but for those of us trying to raise money for local good causes it is highly inconvenient and has wasted me hours. The new Council website is a nightmare. It is bad enough that it is difficult to navigate, but the fact it doesn't work is a complete disgrace. What exactly are we paying Capita for?
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