Wednesday 5 February 2020

How to report fly tipping in the London Borough of Barnet

Regular readers will know that this blog actively supports local litter picking groups and has campaigned for years for Barnet Council and the local police to address the issue of fly tipping.

We are disappointed to learn that Barnet Council has decided to make the process of reporting cases of Fly Tipping more difficult. Many residents use the Fix My Streets app to report problems, but Barnet Council have now stopped using the service.

This has upset local residents and litter picking groups, who enjoyed the transparency and ease of use of the app. It is especially difficult to use if you are on a Mobile phone, which  is when you are most likely to encounter tipped rubbish.

We are also disappointed that the council have taken this regressive step. However, we urge all people to continue to report fly tippings. Please use this link

If you find this process to be less than user friendly, I urge you to email the leader of the Council and tell him. His email address is

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