Monday 3 February 2020

The Leadership Council - Rog T in conversation on Leadership + Interview with Geoff Hurst

I was recently asked to appear in a podcast on the subject of Leadership by The Leaders Council. This is an organisation dedicated to improving the quality of leadership in the UK.  I was a privilege and I was delighted to learn that England Football hero Geoff Hurst was also appearing. Geoff's section is most entertaining and well worth a listen.

The mission of the Leaders Council is:
The Leaders Council of Great Britain and Northern Ireland brings together the most influential figures from across the country. It celebrates the hard work and achievements of the nation’s unsung leaders, while laying the ground for the next generatioFrom the CEO of a multinational bank to the founder of an innovative new start-up, these are the people who take risks, create jobs and empower their colleagues.
As Leaders Council members, they are committed to our code of conduct, with its stringent emphasis on high standards and a responsibility to share knowledge with others.
Through detailed case studies, news coverage, podcasts and leadership events, we are able to unearth the authentic voice of British industry. We chart the challenges, pitfalls and successes of leadership in the twenty-first century.
We put leadership in the spotlight and allow these inspirational people, who spend so much time empowering others, to receive the recognition they deserve.
The Leaders Council of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: for the people who run the country and the people who keep the country running

It was great being  given the opportunity to speak about how important leadership is and my style of leadership running my business Mill Hill Music Complex. The questions were interesting and I hope the answers were as well!

The chairman of the Leaders Council of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is Lord Blunkett and he commented ‘I think the most informative element of each episode is the first part, where Matthew O'Neill is able to sit down with someone who really gets how their industry works and knows how to make their organisation tick. Someone who’s there day in day out working hard and inspiring others. That’s what leadership is all about.’

Having built a now world famous music studio from scratch, having helped BRIT Award winning artists such as Amy Winehouse and Kate Nash a place to build their careers, from nothing is something I'm really proud of. I was delighted to be able to pass on some of the knowledge I've acquired over the years.

I have spent many years mentoring young people and helping them develop their talents. For many years, I've participated in the NCS The Challenge programme, mentoring young people. Our studios take young people on work experience every year and I've also mentored many of the young artists that have passed through the studio, some formally and some informally. It is amazing to see how many have become successful. It is important to give something back.

As a dyslexic, I think it is really  important to spread the message that you do not need to be constrained by your limitations or defined by your disabilities. Building the studio to what it is today has been extremely hard work, often I've had to do other jobs to support it and raise the cash to develop it. But that has only made it all the more worthwhile.

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