Saturday 2 October 2021

The Saturday List #257 - The Top Ten things I will do when the lockdown is Lifted - How did I do?

When we went into lockdown I published a list of what I'd do when it was lifted. How did I do? My update is in red italics

So what are you going to do when the lockdown is lifted? What are you really looking forward to?

1. Have a pint at The Mill Hill Services club.
My only concern here is that it may take a while for them to get fresh suppliers of their rather excellent Hophead bitter, which is on tap. Many of the members are elderly,  I am hoping and praying that they will all come through it.  For many, the club is what keeps them going, snooker, beer and friends. I fear that the isolation aspect will be the real killer for many. I'm pleased to report, I've been back to the club!

2. A curry at The Mill Hill Tandoori with mates.
My group of mates have a regular monthly (ish) curry. One is a policeman who has gone down with the symptoms of the virus. Another is a nurse and he's going to be away from his family for six weeks as he's volunteered for shifts at the new hospital at The Excel centre. He doesn't want to expose his family to risk. These guys are heroes. They will deserve a curry. I had a takeway  last night, please support our local restaurants who are doing takeaways. It was great to see BAW in the Broadway on the news, delivering free dinners to NHS workers. I am also pleased to say I did this

3. Do my favourite walk from Westminster Cathedral to Borough Market, via Lambeth Bridge and The Southbank.
By definition, if I get through the current situation unscathed, I will go to Westminster Cathedral, light a candle and give thanks. We all have our own beliefs, I've always found that by respecting God and nature and thanking them for any small blessings they bestow upon us, I stay lucky. Call it superstitious if you like, but it works for me. When I've done that, I will go for the long leisurely walk to Borough Market, maybe pick up some food then go for a pint in The Globe. I will schedule this for when the River Thames is at low tide, so I can walk the bank and do some beachcombing. I may even pop in the Tate Modern on the way. I usually do this alone, but I may ask Clare to join me. Nope, yet to do this. But I will

4. Have Sunday Lunch at Ronnie Scotts.
In truth, Jazz is not my no 1 genre, but I love Sunday Lunches at Ronnies, if there is a decent band on. I have a few artists that I love watching live in the genre, including Ben Sidran, The Jive Aces, Ian Shaw and Joe Stilgoe to name a few. Ideal Sunday lunch music. We have a ritual, a coffee or beer and a custard tart at Bar Italia, lunch at Ronnies, then a post gig drink Kettners around the corner. It is a great way to spend a day. Yes, went to see Ray Gelato at the first opportunity!

5. A Pub crawl and curry in the West End with my mate Keith.
My friend Keith is one of my best friends. He comes from Prestatyn, is a Wrexham fan and loves real ale and curry. We meet monthly and do a real ale trail, then have a curry. We were meant to meet on the Wednesday after lockdown, so it will be long overdue. I'm pleased to say, I've actually done a few to our favourite haunts

6. Watch some Punk Rock at The 100 club.
The 100 club was recently saved by Westminster Council. It will need saving again. I vow to go to the first decent punk gig that they stage, the last one was The Boys in January. Not quite punk, but I did see The Stone Foundation there recently and it was great, hoping to see Menace on the 9th

7. Take my missus to the Bleeding Heart restauarant for a belated 25th anniversary meal.
We will have been married for 25 years in April. We will doubtless be staying in, I will make up for it. The Bleeding Heart is the best place in London for a romantic meal. They will get a phonecall on day one of the raising of the curfew. This we did

8.  Rehearse with The False Dots.
The False Dots are my band. All rehearsals and gigs have been cancelled indefinitely. That is a very weird situation for me. I love my band, our music and playing live. We will need to get out and play ASAP. As soon as it is safe, we will be organising a benefit gig for Colindale Foodbank. We have done a few, written some songs and are recording

9. Visit my Aunty Audrey in Whitstable.
Audrey is 90 in June. She was planning a party but it has been cancelled. I will bring her the biggest bunch of flowers I can afford. She is the last of my mums generation. She is a real sweetheart. My word, how sad is this. She died of covid shortly after.

10. Get a haircut.
My Barnet is driving me nuts. I hate having long hair. It is starting to go all Worzel Gummage. I am seriously thinking of deploying my old Wahl clippers. Clare is not happy at this idea and say I look like a potato when I have very short hair. Yep, sorted my barnet out. 

I'll leave you with this. A little snippet of The False Dots rehearsing. Proper music, made by friends for the love of it! I never really intended to publish this far and wide, but hey ho, we have time on our hands

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